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The Eternals (2021)

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“A surprise to be sure but a welcome one”


Great to see you giving this movie a real chance, and getting so much out of it. So many fans had been complaining for years about all these movies being the same, but then when they get something like this that's truly making an effort to be more than that, all they can do is piss and moan that they actually wanted the franchise to stay the same forever. And Quantumania is getting the exact same reaction now, so I'm very curious what you'll think about that one.

Mark McKeown

I'm not sure Jess needs to know all that information given that it'll presumably naturally come through the next movies/shows? Or probably more accurately, she won't want to know all that


Having finally seen this so I could watch and enjoy your reaction, my initial thoughts during and upon completion were that I think this would have been better suited as a series on Disney+, if for no other reason than it would have provided greater depth, characterization-wise and to let it breathe a touch more. As it is, I thought the film was perfectly fine, it was decent. I found there to be nothing strictly speaking inherently wrong with it. I didn’t think it was bad, it just didn’t grab my interest as much as it did for you, I guess. Did I like it at the same level as Captain America the First Avenger and/or Infinity War? No. Did I find it to be better or at least more entertaining than Thor the Dark World and/or Iron Man 2? Yes. I'm slightly disappointed in myself as I wanted to like it more than I did. I think I would have really loved it if it was a series, for the greater character focus if nothing else. Don’t really have a favorite character, though I did like Kumail, also liked Don Lee, and when I saw him, recognized him from Train to Busan, and I said, “Ooh, I like that guy!” Your reaction to his death, that broke my heart a little bit. Kingo’s valet was a pretty cool dude, too. I love that you really loved Makkari and Druig. I think my favorite parts of the reaction were when Makkari went to town on Ikaris, and when Druig knocked out Sprite. Those were great moments of the reaction, Jess. I liked the fact that you liked the differing powers that each member of the group had. I also liked the fact that you loved how the central conflict had the shades of grey that it had. Concerning your initial skepticism about Ajak, I also was skeptical about Ajak’s death because we didn’t see it, which is weird considering how big a name Selma Hayek is. This combined with as I recall there was no villain advertised and the fact that we seem to love subverting the Superman type characters as of late made it easy for me to put two and two together on that. In terms of the question of is Ikaris dead or not, well, like his namesake, he flew too close to the sun, thus, yeah, he’s dead. I'm embarrassed to say that I thought Sprite was a boy until they started to explicitly say she was a girl. I went, “Wait, that’s a girl? Wh... oh yeah, the buttons on her shirt are on the left, which...ok, I'm out of it some. My fault.” Sidenote, I kept hearing the group call the one thing the unimind, and past a point, I said, “Was that accidental, or were they trying to borrow that name from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command on purpose?” All in all, I am happy to see you got into this as you did. In terms of stuff that may or may not have gone over your head in the shows that you’ve seen, I think you're good on that as I've understood everything in the shows thus far, and I'm behind as well. I know one or two things that tie into the movies, and I know them because the internet chattered away about them and/or people at work brought stuff up. Thanks for the fun reaction, and I look forward to sharing the subsequent Marvel movies with you, Jess. Particularly the ones I have yet to see.


I get some of the criticisms that Quanumania has received. I'm less clear as to why some critics and fans seem to be as angry about it as they are. Similar to this film, is it the best thing I've ever seen? No. Have I seen much worse? Yes. Besides which, I still had a nice enough time seeing Quantumania.


Loved rewatching this movie, and it was nice to get your perspective about it. Really love the new characters, but agree that there is some flaws in the storyline. Like a lot of fans, I think those flaws could have largely been fixed if this was a D+ series instead of a film. Yet now hearing that Eternals 2 is really coming I'm excited for it. Surely hoping that in the next film all of the grumbling from meta marvel fans will be taken into consideration, and will hopefully result in a stronger film that everyone can enjoy. Thanks for the great reaction :)