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The Last of Us 1x04 Full Reaction

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Some very interesting choices regarding the game's story here. Some things are 100% identical, like the whole magazine exchange, the joke book, and the ambush that Joel sees right through. But then you get Kathleen, an entirely new character who puts a human face to a group that were just a bunch of cannon fodder in the game, and shows they have their own understandable reasons for what they're doing, even if they take it too far. And even then there's still a game connection as her second-in-command is the voice of Tommy from the game.


Concerning your opening statements about your travels getting back home, personally, I would have just stayed up through the night and got some shuteye when I got home. I recognize that may not be everyone’s strategy, and admittedly I got insomnia at times that makes it easier to do. Onto the episode. Ellie gave me anxiety right off the bat with her and the gun. As you said, “Not pew-pew.” Me, I’m yelling, “That’s not a toy, and stop waving it around! I mean, you’ve seen Pulp Fict... No, of course you haven’t seen Pulp Fiction.” She also tested my patience with the dad-jokes that are bad enough I could literally hear both my dad and my dad’s dad groaning in pain. Cute moment when Joel fires back. I laughed way too hard at Ellie expressing disgust in the coffee, which is probably for the best as I seriously doubt that kid needs caffeine. Quite the sticky situation Joel and Ellie end up in. I think they were screwed either way as soon as Ellie shot the one guy. Not that it’s her fault, rather as soon as that guy got hurt, Kathleen was it, would have likely held them accountable, thus, Joel pretty much had no choice but to kill him, and try to run. Had a double take upon seeing the doctor, and said, “Is that John Getz? Huh.” That situation of whatever the fuck’s beneath the floor is vexing. Made me say, “There aren’t sandworms in this show, are there?” I liked Joel and Ellie’s interactions following her using the gun. As you say, they do a good job of she was helpful, yet they remind us of the fact that she’s still a kid, thus her having a gun is something of a bad idea. Nice that Joel teaches her some. Ellie’s final dad-joke made me say, “Goddamn it, that’s awful.” Though it is nice that it causes a shared laugh. My strategy would have been to fight fire with fire by saying, “All right, kid. I'm serious. If you don’t go to sleep right now, you know what’s going to happen? I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. You'll be found guilty of resisting a rest.” I’m with you on loving the stronger character focus. I’m also happy for you that this episode was a reprieve from the crying after the last three episodes of crying, last week especially. I enjoyed the reaction, and I very much loved your post-episode thoughts, comments, and insights, Jess. Thank you.

Jenny Chalek

I think Bella Ramsey's performance in this is brilliant. She walks that fine line between tough and being still a child. Her insightful questions to Joel really get to him on some level. I think he doesn't want to remember his daughter, but maybe sees his daughter in Ellie. Great reaction, as always!

Jenny Chalek

But I knew Bella Ramsey was going to be a great actor when I first saw her in Game of Thrones.


Ha thats a great link-up about the actor also being Tommy in the game. I believe Troy Baker is also in this somewhere? I don't want to look it up as I haven't finished the series yet, but its good when they give VA's a shot in live stuff; like Matt Lanter from Clone Wars Anakin, being in Mando.


The gun scenes with Ellie are great, but I'm not drawn in to Joel being afraid for her having a gun, as from the game she is an absolute badass with a weapon. Its good and necessary to see them begin to connect in this episode, and we can see Joel is starting to warm to her. It took a while ingame too for Joel to let his guard down with her, so this matches up very well. I love the sense of threat there is in this episode, with essentially a whole resistance group after them as well as Henry and Sam. It feels like overwhelming odds and with that brings tension, as you wonder how the hell Ellie and Joel are going to get out of this mess. Joel is annoyed at himself by stupidly endangering them both, and does he get a twisted ankle like Tess here too, as he seems in a bit of pain struggling to walk. Not good for either of them, and now Henry and Sam are with them further endangering them as the whole city is out for blood.