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Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x02 Full Reaction

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the entire reason this show exists is that someone at Lucasfilm realized the first movie never actually specifies what Vader means with the line "I sense something. A presence I've not felt since...", and decided they could make a whole story out of how he was actually referring to a previously unknown story with Obi Wan between Episodes 3 and 4.

Thomas Corp

Your little song and dance routine at the beginning of this reaction was great. Yeah, as you say, you can just feel the weight of a lot of things in this episode and it’s not that heavy-handed. I shared your reaction seeing Temuera Morrison as the homeless veteran clone trooper of the 501st. I started sobbing at that part. I like how the show showcases how Obi-Wan is as of this episode, not the warrior he once was. It of course makes sense as he’s ten years out of practice, combined with he’s pushing fifty at this point. You're right that it makes sense that Leia has the reactions that she has. This isn’t even factoring in that she’s likely going to not listen to what a lot of people would say as there’s too much of her father in her. The scene where Obi-Wan catches her and makes her float was cute, and I loved your reaction to that scene. I knew going into this that Kumail was going to be in this show. I'm happy you were surprised by that. And yes, Kumail is delightful in anything, The Big Sick especially. I loved him as Haja. As you observe, a less than savory fellow, yet kind of self-aware about it, which I liked. Though as I said, I'm not the biggest fan of the Third Sister, I am happy that you find her intriguing if nothing else. One prominent issue I had with her in this episode was that regardless of her scheme being successful or not, there’s the matter of her actions could cause a major political shitstorm should word of her abducting Leia reach Coruscant. Thus, though the Grand Inquisitor and the Fifth Brother’s yelling at her is motivated in part by personal animosity, they’re also angry that the Third Sister’s actions could conceivably sign all their death warrants. Further showcasing of that is you have the Fourth Sister, who from what I know of her, seems to be one of the more level-headed Inquisitors, glaring daggers at the Third Sister, essentially saying, “Girl, you done messed up.” My own continuous thought is, “Third Sister, this is not ‘Nam. This is the Dark Side. There are rules here.” I found it to be a genuinely shocking moment when the Third Sister runs the Grand Inquisitor through, thus showcasing just how psychotically determined she is. You question exactly what her deal is. Me, at the end of the episode, I pretty much knew, and I'll leave it at that for now. Yeah, that is an emotional moment when Obi-Wan is reminded of Padmé. Worse still is the bitter and dramatic irony of Leia offering condolences to Obi-Wan, not realizing he’s speaking of her mother. Another moment that got me sad was when Leia said that the name Ben is not a Jedi name, which led me to say, “No, you’re right, it’s not. But that’s a very tender subject and we don’t need to get into it right now.” Now to talk about the big moment of the episode, Obi-Wan discovering that Darth Vader lives. There was actually some question of would that be something that would be in this. My brother and I discussed it some in the months leading up to this show’s premiere, specifically we noted that neither of us knew exactly when Obi-Wan learned about that, and that it was likely that it would be a major scene in this. Even with the discussions that were had, I was NOT prepared for the emotional damage that came from that scene. Ewan sold the HELL out of that scene, and it’s a most unsettling sight, seeing the pure terror on Obi-Wan's face. Then of course, I lost my shit at that final shot of Hayden as Vader, and I yelled, “Oh, SHIT!! THAT’S HAYDEN!!!” and I got so excited for the next episode. God, I am just so happy that you’re finally seeing this show, and two episodes in, I am so thoroughly loving sharing it with you, Jess. It is so great.


It also nicely answers why anyone thought it was a good idea to hide Luke with his step-uncle. As far as they knew Anakin was dead, and no one else would know about it.

Thomas Corp

Well, I already had my own personal rationalization for that, though yes, through the reveal that Obi-Wan was under the belief that Anakin was dead, it does provide a much better answer to that plot point.

Jenny Chalek

Reva is one of my favorite Star Wars characters. She has her reasons for what she does.


She is a complex one for sure. Sometimes I don't understand why she does the things she does; but thats the dark side for you, and how it corrupts one.


One of the most famous Jedi in Obi-Wan wandering around in similar attire to a Jedi Knight, and nobody is bothered! Hehe, I jest, that stuff doesn't bother me as a lot in Star Wars use hoods to hide their identities. Seeing a clone - and not just any clone, a 501st one from Anakin's battalion - beg for credits, is just horrid. They are the most tragic characters in Star Wars, and seeing one destitute when he was probably a hero in the war, is just sad. Good to see Temura Morrison back though playing clones. Then to emphasise the new order, they immediately show stormtroopers pushing people out of the way. Haha that scoundrel trying to fob himself off as a Jedi, is very funny; however though he charges an arm and a leg, he is getting force sensitive kids out of dodge, so he's not all bad; as he shows by helping Obi-Wan and Leia later. I like the Inquisitors as characters, some like the Grand Inquisitor and Seventh Sister, who is seen later, are a lot of fun. And against kids, inexperienced padawans and some knights, they are more than enough to take them out. It does show the arrogance of the dark side though to suppose they could even slightly trouble somebody of the level of Obi-Wan Kenobi though; but thats when Vader generally comes in, to take the stronger Jedi out. I get the age stuff, and if it was Alec Guinness still playing the character, it would make more sense, but Ewan is still a very good looking fella with great natural thick hair that has no grey to it (I'm not in the least bit jealous as a fellow Scotsman of his, who is bald, middle-aged, fat and not a movie-star!), even after being weather-beaten. Again, the wee lass playing Leia is fabulous, give her all the Emmy's! She is able to give off great chemistry between herself, Jimmy Smits and Ewan. She's going to be a big star if she carries on like this, a very impressive acting debut, and is able to add more to a legendary character such as Leia. For all this show's faults, they do enhance the legacy characters stories even more, and those that fail to see that are just sourpusses moaning about 'lore'. Obi-Wan still has his muscle memory and reflexes, but we see his connection to the force is broken. With the fear and depression running through him these last 10 years, thats understandable he's lost his way with all that. He can't even meditate without dwelling on all that happened. "you really are a Jedi!" Leia says; yes, the greatest Jedi of them all!! Obi-Wan seeing Padme in Leia is very touching. Whilst Leia later goes down the freedom fighter and politician side that is very much like Padme; I think she would have been the greatest Skywalker Jedi of them all. Her priorities lay elsewhere though and is why she became just as important for the galaxy, as Luke. That final few seconds though are superb. The music build up is great, Obi-Wan's realisation that Vader (Anakin isn't home just now) is still alive, and as he says his name, Vader senses him. Bravo.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, everyone jumps on the hoods, like non-Jedi don’t do the same thing. Temuera as the 501st trooper hurt, and how Obi-Wan turns away from him and sees the stormtroopers, it’s haunting. Haja’s a good guy. A bit sleazy, but he’s got a good heart. The arrogance of the Third Sister got me some in that she gives the impression she thinks she can take Obi-Wan herself. I mean, in the funk Obi’s in, she MIGHT have a chance, but she doesn’t know that. The arrogance is shared by the other Inquisitors, though I like that the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother are shown calling in reinforcements out the wazoo, and openly acknowledge that Obi-Wan's tougher than their usual prey, though even then, the Fifth Brother sounds a touch cocky about it. I want to know more about the Fourth Sister as from what we saw, she seemed more level-headed, and less power hungry. Or if she is power hungry, she’s not as vocal about it. I hear you on your comment about Obi-Wan's hair. My own hair started going when I was still eighteen. Wasn't too upset as I knew it was a genetic probability. Kind of would have liked it to last longer than it did. Yeah, that final scene was terrifying.


Yeah the Fourth Sister was pretty cool, nice design on her too. She just seemed, as you say, to want to get the job done without all the handbags. And she'd fit in better with what the GI and Vader are like at hunting their prey, than the others. Yes my hair started going pretty early too, and it never bothered me back then about not having it, but I am getting a bit envious of those who are older than me who have great heads of hair - especially if they can keep their colouring for longer too, which redheads like Ewan McGregor and Bryan Cranston can. Ah well, if we were all the same, the world would be boring eh! :P

Thomas Corp

Yeah, like I said, though it was earlier than I would have liked, I knew it was likely I'd lose my hair and that’s what happened. I look in the mirror. Still looks like me. Only real envy is when the sun is out. On the other hand, I've rarely if ever gotten carded for being at the bar and/or purchasing alcohol from any store. And then there’s like my grandfather used to say, “God gave perfect heads to a select group of men. The rest of the men of the world, he covered their heads with hair.”


Haha that's a great line from your grandfather, I must remember it! Back in the day, being bald was seen as a sign of wisdom in tribes and early kingdom's. Hence a lot of chiefs back then were bald. Then I only have to look at Jean-Luc Picard (in TNG not NuTrek) to see there is a leader of men! Its all in and on the head - or not! :D I was the same about not being asked for ID when I was younger, and when I told people my age, they'd generally reply with "you must have had a hard paper round!" :P All good fun.