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Star Trek 3x15 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

This is certainly an intriguing episode, somewhat flawed though it is. A big highlight of the episode is the performance of both Lou Antonio as Lokai, the iconic napper as you called him, and especially Frank Gorshin, the beloved Riddler himself, as Bele. Frank also happens to be a birthday buddy by the way, which is fun. Similar to how you describe it, the main issue here is how the episode doesn’t quite succeed in what it was trying to accomplish. I get what they were going for in that both parties are at fault and that the situation is not entirely cut and dried. The problem is like you said, the information presented, combined with the writing of Bele’s character and Frank being brilliant in making him as loathsome as you found him, one’s sympathies skew towards Lokai. I still applaud the effort, even though I wish it had been presented better. I get where you’re coming from not caring for the holier than thou attitude presented. It doth sound a touch risible hearing Kirk say that resorting to violence no longer being the way when he’s the one who goes about tumbling more frequently than my laundry in the dryer. The self-destruct sequence was padded and overdramatic and was a highlight of your reaction. The codes used, yes, they’re the stupidest self-destruct codes ever; the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage. I actually liked that it ended on a downbeat note given how, generally speaking, idealistic Star Trek was. It would have been better if like you said, the episode had been executed just a touch better. Other small highlights of the reaction were your observations about the dramatic zoom in-and-outs. Yeah, the dramatic zoom in-and-outs were a touch excessive. I even said, “What is this, The ‘Burbs?” Also, when you commented on the running at the end. The distraught run as you called it was certainly an odd run, but given how I run like Peter Capaldi does, you know, like a penguin with its ass on fire, who am I to judge? All in all, a most excellent reaction, and I was very impressed with everything you had to say both during the episode, and in your post-episode thoughts. My thought upon finishing was, “I really can’t improve on that or add to that in any significant way beyond simply concurring with Jess as she was very spot-on with this reaction.” Thank you for this very enjoyable reaction, Jess, it was so great.


This is very much an episode of its time. Just a few years earlier were the Watts Riots in Los Angeles, where a whole neighborhood tore itself to pieces in a way to make anything people try to accuse BLM of look tame. So that unfortunately translates to the episode having a message that both sides are equally to blame for the hatred between them, even as its also made clear that one side has suffered horrible oppression from the other with nothing equalling that out. So for as well-meaning and earnest as the writing is, way above the likes of Paradise Syndrome or Elaan of Troyus, it also can't help coming off as uncomfortably dated.

Josef Schiltz

Twelve: " A penguin with its ass on fire? Wh . . ? I thought I was sprinting! I . . I thought I was my own action hero! That's . . .well! . . That's really insulting!"