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Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x01 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

First off, Jess, I love how excited you were to finally get to this series. Yes, a great series opener. The recap got me super emotional. It took me back to when each movie came out. The opening scene tears your heart up. Your reaction to it was great. Me, I had the thought, “Ok, we’re on Coruscant, we’re... Younglings? Wh... No. NO! Oh my God! Are we STARTING with this!?” I got so torn when it revealed that the Emperor was blaring “Execute Order 66” over the loudspeakers of the Jedi temple as if he was dropping a dance-mix at a club, and ultimately, I yelled, “Oh, THAT is DESPICABLE! ...Ha-ha-ha! I LOVE IT!!” Yes, a major highlight of the first episode is seeing where Obi-Wan is at ten years following the destruction of the Jedi. Ewan McGregor reminds us how great he is. Like you say, you can very much understand how Obi-Wan is contending with the guilt and trauma; it hangs on him like a millstone around the neck. Evidence of this is his scene with Owen delivering the line that has become a fantastic meme, “Like you trained his father?” Obi-Wan can’t fully argue against that. I had heard that Jimmy Smits was going to have some type of role as Bail Organa in this. Therefore, that Leia appeared was not the most tremendous surprise. That she had the focus that she did, that was a surprise. I'm pleased that you were not made aware of Leia being in this, as that was a lovely part of the reaction when you realized that. She burned her cousin something fierce and it was great. I knew you were going to love Lola. The scene Bail had with Leia was so precious, and it reminds us how Bail is one of the best dads in the galaxy. By the way, that was C-3PO in the one shot. When you second-guessed yourself and apologized for getting it wrong, I was saying, “What are you... That WAS 3PO, Jess! That was your King!” I love it that Anthony Daniels came back for this to be 3PO again. That man is DEDICATED to that role, it is SO great. Talking about the Third Sister, she got on my nerves fairly quickly. I suspect on some level it’s deliberate given how the Grand Inquisitor reads her the riot act, and the Fifth Brother, who is not exactly known for a velvet glove approach, is telling her she’s too much of a loose cannon. Yeah, she does have a chip on her shoulder, what with her whining that her fellow Inquisitors are not taking the hunt seriously. It leads me to sound like Thanos, saying, “The only matter I do NOT take seriously, Third Sister, is you. Your temper tantrums BORE me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child, and you are a SLOPPY Inquisitor.” Now, I have heard that the Third Sister did gain fans, and more power to those fans. She just happens to not be a character I was particularly taken with, particularly when compared to Star Wars villains of old. I love how Owen stands his ground when the Third Sister interrogates him. Yeah, a powerful scene when Bail goes to Tatooine to get Obi-Wan to change his mind. I loved you expressing love for Bail in that scene. To briefly discuss how you say Obi-Wan is the gold standard of what a Jedi should be. Well, I would argue that Qui-Gon Jinn is the gold standard of what a Jedi should be, but I won’t argue with you on your feelings that Obi-Wan is the gold standard. The music for this was great. Natalie Holt did a great job. Then there’s the fact that after forty-five years, Obi-Wan Kenobi finally got his own theme, courtesy of the one and only John Williams. And the theme fits Obi SO perfectly, that I broke down crying hearing it for the first time. When you commented on John’s theme for Obi-Wan in your reaction, that warmed my heart, Jess; I really appreciated that. Oh, this was a lovely reaction to the first episode of this show, I cannot wait to see more. Thank you so much for the lovely reaction, Jess.


Just like Baby Yoda, there was absolutely no indication in the pre-release marketing that Leia would be involved in the show. I mean, we all knew there had to be SOMETHING more to the initial pitch, because how the hell do you make a whole show out of Obi Wan living alone in the desert and watching Luke from a distance, but I don't remember anyone predicting before this first episode's release that child Leia might be that something more. Unlike the other Star Wars shows, this one's reception with the fans was really all over the place, so it'll be interesting to see where you end up landing. Personally I was more on the negative side, but I still think it has its shining moments, and this first episode is a definite banger. Just seeing Ewan coming back to this role, and showing his love for it hasn't diminished at all as he throws himself into this older, wearier, and probably PTSD-stricken version of Obi Wan, is a blast, and it was quite gratifying to see they'd learned a lesson from all the mockery Solo got and didn't try to make a huge reveal out of why he chose the name Ben for his alias.


Speaking of, Williams just became the oldest Oscar nominee ever, AND he just rescinded his retirement. So let's see just how much great music he has left in him.

Thomas Corp

And if he wins, he becomes the oldest winner in any category. I am very much looking forward to any future brilliant music that John creates with great interest.

Jenny Chalek

One bone I have to pick with Bail Organa, trying to make Leia apologize to that nasty cousin was absolutely NOT appropriate. She had every right to defend herself.


I heard he may yet not be done with Star Wars, so hopefully something exciting is in the pipeline. The Obi-Wan theme has really grew on me, but its the little ditty at the start, before his theme kicks in that is truly fabulous. Its wondrous and fantastical and pure old school Star Wars; and I hoped they'd use it as the main ditty for the tv series going forward, but Andor was different (am actually rewatching Sesska's reactions to that again this week). I really hope its back for Ahsoka's show though, as that's a series that hopefully will be wondrous, fantastical and completely bonkers.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, that little piece of music at the start was quite wonderful. It would have been nice to have it continue to be used, though like you say, it could be used for the Ahsoka show. I’m all for John continuing to create more Star Wars music, if he wants to. The dream would be John composing a theme for Darth Revan.


Can't see them getting to Revan anytime soon tbf! Though if The Acolyte is a success, hopefully it can give Disney more confidence to move away from the Skywalker timeline, and perhaps we may yet see the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War stuff if they canonise it; and hopefully the great man will still be with us to do your Revan theme Thomas! :D

Thomas Corp

One can only hope and dream. Hopefully, The Acolyte does well enough to get Disney to delve into KOTOR some. And if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen; I can make peace with that. Provided Disney does delve into KOTOR and we are fortunate to have John still with us and able to compose, I will love it so, SO much if John gave Darth Revan a theme. It would be so beautiful.


Haha you did see C-3P0 Jess, him and R2 are under the care of Bail at this time; there were other droids like 3P0 there too; as Bail's wife is the Queen of Alderaan so would have loads of droids hanging around. Luke really did get the short end of the stick! Young Leia is adorable, and the wee lass playing her acts her little socks off, she is brilliant throughout! Bail really does some work behind the scenes, he is looking after Leia and R2 (well there is 3P0 too, but his main importance is to be spare parts for R2!!), is doing work like Mon Mothma later to begin the fight back, and is working with Ahsoka. What an absolute legend. Its a shame Tarkin blows him up here on Alderaan with the Death Star, so he won't see the fruits of his labour, but he was one that helped keep things together, and tried to move things forward, when it was all at risk of falling apart. Obi-Wan is my favourite Star Wars character, and its because he overcomes so much in his life to become one of the greatest Jedi in the history of the order. He was steadfast in his beliefs about the Jedi and in particular, Anakin, throughout, and with everything that happened to him, Satine, the loss of the Republic to the rise of the Empire, and the Jedi almost wiped totally out by his very own apprentice and his Inquisitors; and with stewing over that for 10 years, its understandable he is at his lowest ebb. He has cut himself off from the force, is living in complete fear and is utterly lost. This is another challenge for him, perhaps his greatest - to rediscover the man he was and will become. That doesn't stop it being heartbreaking to watch him go through this. When he says the line "I'm not the man I was", it hits like a truck. One of the scenes I thought they might show from the Clone Wars here, was this one, which was going to be included in a story in that series, but when the show was cancelled the first time, they never came back to it. Watch this to explain some more of why Obi-Wan is sleepless here too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UwklEWJvmg Obi-Wan trusted Anakin completely, but thought he was stronger mentally than he was, when he can't see how much Anakin was struggling with the likes of Ahsoka leaving the order. I'm sure this was one of these conversations he was dreaming about here in his cave. As an aside, this will be my last post on here for around a month, but will be subbing back in March to finish the rest of this off and see how Sesska got on with this series; and hopefully to see if she'll start the mighty Rebels! May the force be with you all in the meantime! ;)

Thomas Corp

I’m going to talk more about Leia as we get further along. But yeah, Vivien Lyra Blair did a really good job as Leia. Bail really was doing the work in raising Leia and looking after 3PO and R2 and working with Mon Mothma in leading the Rebellion. I think like Luthen, Bail’s ultimately ok with the idea of his never seeing the day the Empire will fall. The difference between Bail and Luthen being Bail refuses to lose himself to cynicism and keeps the hope alive, in his heart if nothing else. I would argue that yes, this whole series is perhaps the greatest test Obi-Wan faces; working through the guilt, grief, and trauma, and becoming again the man he was, and perhaps becoming a little wiser in the process. That's a good scene that got deleted from Clone Wars. It is one of the more tragic aspects of Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. Obi-Wan loved and trusted Anakin too much that it created a blind spot to the idea that Anakin simply did not have the emotional strength and/or maturity to work through his problems by himself. Look forward to seeing you again in March. May the Force be with you.


Even thought it's been said in other comments, I just wanted to say too, the 3PO spotting was true!