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The Last of Us 1x03 Full Reaction

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Immediately after this episode, my first thought was "Oh dear god, Jess is going to be DESTROYED by this one." Then I got into a kind of feedback loop where imagining your reaction just added to my own emotions. Welcome to Kate Bush territory, Linda Ronstadt.


I have to admit that I thought Frank would kill Bill when Bill sat and played the piano... xD I was sooo wrong... And this episode was emotional destruction at it´s best... Similar to Ryan I was like "Oh, first Supernatural, now this! Jess will be crying buckets!"

Siti Dee

"I was never afraid before you showed up" I AM STILL A WRECK


As a guy who has in the past struggled coming to terms with his sexuality and accepting the fact that I'm gay this episode absolutely killed me. Nick Offerman was just incredible as Bill, without even really saying anything you got the sense he hadn't had the chance to really explore or figure out who he was until Frank came along, and then when he did he just couldn't imagine his life any other way. I cried pretty much all the way through, and then again when I watched it for a second time with your reaction. Beautiful episode, beautiful reaction, thank you Jess!

Jenny Chalek

As a lesbian, I know how hard it is to find someone in a diminished "pool", and imagine finding someone like this in the middle of the apocalypse. My heart breaks to see such a perfect, rare pairing and have to see it end. This was the sweetest, saddest story. And yes, the actors killed it.


Similar to what has been commented already, you were on my mind throughout this episode. And hours later, I was just thinking about what your reaction would be like, and it made me cry even harder than the crying and strong emotions that I was already going through. I knew your reaction would be most emotional; you did NOT disappoint, Jess. Start by discussing Joel and Ellie. I agree with you that I don’t think Joel is necessarily blaming Ellie for what happened to Tess; I think he’s directing anger towards her some. And I think he recognizes that when she calls him out. I liked their discussion of the beginning of the outbreak. The way Joel verbally stumbles when talking about the food, I love how it indicates he’s relived that day in his head a lot. Ellie sure did want a gun, and I kept siding with Joel. First time she starts to ask in this episode, I said, “Fuck no, you can’t have a gun.” and past a point, if I were Joel, I would have asked her, “You even know how to fucking use a gun, well, I mean?” She’s got one now. Curious how that’s going to pan out. Now onto the main plot of Bill and Frank. I did know that Nick Offerman would be in this show. I'm happy that wasn’t spoiled for you as your reaction to seeing him was delightful. Yes, his previous fantastic performance in the role of the iconic and insanely relatable Ron Swanson really does make terrific casting of him as Bill. I'm less familiar with Murray Bartlett, but he, also, was amazing as Frank. This whole plotline of the romance between Bill and Frank was SO superbly well done, and I now just want Nick and Murray to get every award possible. You were excellent in your reaction to all of their scenes. From the way that your eyes just lit up when Linda Ronstadt is being played on the piano, your protectiveness when Bill gets shot, and especially each and every part of your reaction during Bill and Frank’s last good day. All the tears you shed were shared by me, Jess. One particular part where I had to think about something else to stop crying so much was when Bill apologized for growing older faster than Frank, which led me to say, “I... Can’t. Nope. No. I am not thinking about that line. I am nowhere near emotionally stable enough to handle that line right now.” The montage of their last good day is where I lost it the most. Made worse by the brilliant usage of Max Richter’s On the Nature of Daylight. The montage itself, combined with the music, that did it, I broke, I fucking BROKE. And I was crying all over again during your reaction. This was, I'm not saying this lightly, one of your most beautiful reactions, Jess. No problem on the delay of next week’s reaction. I hope your travels go well. Thank you so, so very much for this most wonderful reaction, Jess, it has meant so much.


Every once in awhile something truly special comes along, this episode is a special one.


Well Jess you held it together better than I did throughout this, I was a bubbling wreck. As Ryan observes, every now and again in whatever medium, be it art, music, film, tv or books, something beautiful that shows the best of us comes along, and this episode was one such thing. It told such a touching story of a guarded person who prepared for the worst - was proven correct - and thought thats all the world was; find some fulfilment to his life when he meets up with his soulmate, and they create a warm and loving environment, and a little miracle, in a world gone to hell. I said in my comments in a previous episode, why would anyone want to carry on in such a world. Well Bill answers it - to love and protect those who need it most. Bill did that for Frank, Joel and Tess tried for a while, but all he has left now is Ellie, and even though she is a pain in the arse, she can provide a future for humanity, if Joel can protect her. I know of Nick Offerman, as he has a very distinctive demeanour and look to him. I believe he is very popular from a loved sitcom, and he certainly has great timing. However I know him best because he loves whisky - as do I! He's made several vids and trips here to Scotland going around his favourite distilleries. There is a video up on Youtube where he sits in front of a fire with a whisky and just stares back at us while drinking a glass. It goes on for quite a bit, and nothing is said, but its strangely mesmerising and delivers the calmness and enjoyment, and a little bit of peace, a good dram can give! :D I like the questionable scene with Ellie and the infected person where she cuts it open before killing it. When I first saw it I thought it looked a tad psychopathic, but there is a lot going on when I think about it. She probably has a lot of anger in her that she got infected by one of them, or perhaps she was putting it out of its misery and perhaps also showing to herself she can kill. Joel building a cairn at the start for Tess was touching and is all he can do for her now. He is trying to keep it together and be strong, but the cracks are showing. Anyway a masterful episode, one that came out of nowhere and was perfection.


That’s perhaps a perfect description of Bill and Frank’s relationship, what you said, “a little miracle, in a world gone to hell.” Yeah, Nick Offerman does love his whiskey. His most famous character shares the trait, favoring Lagavulin neat. I've tried it, it’s pretty good. Bit smoky, but good. I've seen that video you mentioned. Some of my friends and relatives say they have that as their yule log come the holidays. Nick’s from where I am; he was born in my hometown and grew up not too far from. Like you said, this episode was perfection.


Yes Lagavulin is the whisky I believe he drinks in that vid I mentioned, where he sits for 30 minutes or so in front of a fire, says nothing, looks at us, and just drinks it. :D I used to enjoy it too, but its doubled in price over the last year, so I have other drams now. And yes the peaty whiskies were the ones that got me into it all. I got one (an Ardbeg) when we were out celebrating my graduation back in 2008, and I couldn't believe you got whiskies that tasted like that, and it blew my mind! Great stuff! Thats great he's from near you too; so you have one of those cool gruff accents as well eh? ;)


That video is great. Yeah, Lagavulin is on the pricier side. My accent, yes, is identical to Nick Offerman’s.


Nice! I'm more like Ewan McGregor when he was in Trainspotting! Actually there is a Star Wars link that we were speaking about earlier. Kevin McKidd is also in that, and he plays Fenn Rau later in Rebels. :)


Coming back to this episode a week on, I've been reading comments from others who have played the game more recently than I, and they really did change up Bill and Frank's story from it. I can't remember Bill at all in it, and Frank I believe is only referenced. Its heavily implied that Bill and Frank were together in the game, but they have a huge argument that Frank then walks out of, is then bitten by an infected, then hangs himself before he turns. This embitters Bill further and he becomes what Joel is in danger of becoming if he continues down this path. So its nice that Bill in the game is what Joel may become, but Bill in the series here, tells Joel in his own gruff way, to save Ellie and thus himself.