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Star Trek 3x14 Full Reaction

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I’m going to start by getting the uncomfortable topic out of the way right away by agreeing with you on having issues with the plot point of the medicine that can cure all mental illness. I got SO fucking triggered by that. The whole concept of it is so beyond a goddamn insult to an obscene degree. I loved everything you had to say about that, Jess. Now that I've got that out of my system, let’s talk about the rest of the episode. Yeah, this whole episode is most unhinged, and as you said, “That was an episode.” Hard to say if I liked it or not. It's amazing how this is the third time I believe that we have a hero of Kirk’s who has caused fuckery and/or other nefarious activities, leading me to marvel and say, “WOW! The insecurity level with you guys is RIDICULOUS!!!” I overall have mixed feelings about Captain, pardon me, LORD Garth as a character. I did enjoy his flair for the dramatic if nothing else. I'm told the fans loved the dramatics as well. In fact, there was hope he would return because of that, though unfortunately, Steve Ihnat’s untimely death prevented that. The character did have good acting as Spock especially that sassy Spock line was most impressive. I laughed too hard at his breakdown when he looked like Kirk and I quipped, “Oh, hey! It's candid camera footage of Shatner having a wee temper tantrum over anyone, Sulu especially, having even so much as a half a second more screen time than him. Genuinely really spot-on.” Likewise, mixed feelings on Marta as a character, though I liked the performance by Yvonne Craig, our dear beloved Batgirl herself. Incidentally, I've read that Yvonne did not have a good time on this citing immense difficulty working with Shatner, and she described him as a “maddeningly narcissistic human being” and at one point he apparently manhandled her for as she put it, “the betterment of his profile.” Supposedly, she also walked in on Shatner in his trailer sans hair. Knowing how fragile his ego is, I doubt he much cared for that. I will say that her death in the episode was horrifying, and the fact that it’s practically swept under the rug is disgusting. I assume that yes, Garth was kept at the facility. As to the scene of the two Kirks, your reaction to Spock taking his time putting two and two together was fantastic. In fact, Leonard Nimoy would have been most pleased to hear you say what you said about that as he was PISSED about that part of the episode. My strategy, and what should have been Spock’s strategy as it is the most logical course of action would have been to just stun both Kirks right away without Kirk having to point that out. Alas, the producers really wanted the fight scenes. They really wanted double the tumbling for the price of one. I will say, Jess, that those were good questions you brought up that Spock could have asked, especially the query about who rocks the HELL out of a beanie. The best part of this episode was the discussion of Spock and Kirk being brothers. When Spock in his logical and reserved way said it was true, it got me right in the heart, and I went “Mmmm!” and cried some. Your own reaction to the scene was excellent. So, yeah, although this episode was not one either of us cared for all that much, I did still enjoy sharing it with you, Jess, and I loved your reaction as it was great. Thank you.


I've seen one guy say his strategy for the two Kirks would have been "Stun the guy who's obviously not William Shatner."


Spock should have asked them how much they enjoyed his wedding ceremony.