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Classic Who "The Deadly Assassin" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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"Look. The Master."

James Fish

Thanks for another great reaction. It's an interesting story on many levels - The Master, the Matrix (same sort of thing as the 'real-world' environment in the film of the same name 23 years after this was produced), for a little more timelord lore and to see a solo Doctor story (of which we get very few). Briefly on the 12 incarnation thing - yes that lore was introduced in this story, but it has been stated that this was when the Doctor was presumed to be on number 4 & they no way envsioned the series lasting anywhere near 12. I think in part this might have been due to how long Tom Baker lasted in the role - 3 years was by no means thought of as a standard period for an actor as it is now. Anyway, glad you enjoyedit! See you next time!

Nicole Mazza

Can't wait to watch this! (Fun fact: When Four wipes the sand/dirt away from the mirror and sees the laughing clown gave a wee David Tennant nightmares for weeks back in the day!)

Nicole Mazza

Also, apparently the infamous Mary Whitehouse (a British campaigner for 'values of morality and decency' in media, related to her conservative Christian beliefs) had a big issue with the 3rd episode cliffhanger, worried that children would think the Doctor was drowning all week or something. (OMG THINK OF THE CHILDREN! 😆) I guess she didn't quite understand that people know better, I guess thinking children are more dim-witted than they (often) are? 🤷 Anyway, she still gets underneath the BBC's skin enough to make them start to 'tone down' any of the violence or whatever in Doctor Who starting in the next season. It's all definitely...interesting.

James Gorman

Mary Whitehouse really misunderstood the nature and the target audience of Doctor Who. Despite being shown in an early evening slot Doctor Who was aimed at an adult/teenage audience that would appeal to the rest of the family!

Josef Schiltz

There was an episode of Endeavour where there was a character clearly based on Mary Whitehouse who was complaining about a dance troupe based on Pan's People filming on the lawns at a stately home. She was such an instantly recognizable figure, one Doctor Who producer just said, straight up, that the production team hoped for the admonishments from Mary because the viewing figures might rise a bit simply because people would want to see what she was complaining about. Edit: Just found which episode. 'Canticle' Series 4: Episode 2: which is set in 1967. Endeavour Morse is asked to act as bodyguard to busybody Joy Pettybon, a moral crusader who, since coming to Oxford to appear on a nightly television show, 'The Almanac', has received threats to her life.