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Classic Who - "The Deadly Assassin" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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This story is especially notable for attracting the attention of the "Won't someone think of the children" assholes like Mary Whitehouse who declared it too violent to be on TV, and spent the next decade plus the classic series lasted unceasingly protesting it. The cliffhanger of the Doctor being drowned seems to be what really pushed them over the edge.

Azmat Mahmood

That cliffhanger and all the controversy that it created is essentially what caused the BBC to force Phillip Hinchcliffe, the current producer, to leave at the end of this season. This incident was far from the first time either. Genesis of the Daleks was described as being "tea-time brutality for tots" by Mary Whitehouse. Apparently the show had become too dark, violent and at times graphic under Hinchcliffe and Holmes' watch for some. Most people disgreed though, the show itself was doing some of the best ratings it had done since the Dalekmania days of the mid 1960s! Of course, the controversies were only really created by TV watchdogs like Mary Whitehouse and the fact that the show was still extremely successful despite that just proves that people like Whitehouse shouldn't be able to judge what's morally right or appropriate for children to watch. Unfortunately, as the head of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, she held a lot of power and piled enough pressure on BBC execs that they eventually caved and removed the "guily party". It's a shame really because as great as the Hinchcliffe era undoubtedly was, I think he was still only getting started and would've taken the show to even greater heights had he been allowed to stay. He's talked about what he had planned for season 15 and it sounds pretty amazing.

James Fish

Yes, Mary Whitehouse was pretty vocal about Doctor Who - even going as far as to push one or two parliamentary debates on it, but eithr Terrance Dicks or Phillip Hinchcliffe mentioned that they used to love her getting a bee in her bonnet over it as it always garaunteed better viewing figures for the next episode/story. Shame that Phillip was eventually pushed out because of this, I'd love to have seen what else he'd of done with the show. Would especially love to see him brought back now as producer! If it did one good thing, it was to give one family an experience no doubt beyond their wildest dreams when there was a knock on their door. It was none other than Tom Baker, asking if they watched Doctor Who there as he wanted to check out the drowning freeze frame shot during the episode 3 cliffhanger to see how violent it came across. Tom remarks that the guy who opened the door was near lost for words and said 'come in - just come in!'. Such a wonderful story - wish that'd been me lol!