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Hello All, I apologize if some of the issues in the reaction are bothersome. The only thing I can guarantee is they probably bothered me much more. I hope you enjoy. 


Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.



Don’t worry about the alarm going off. It was fine and it wasn’t like it was going throughout the whole reaction. LOL Did you see the second post credit scene with Janine and Winston?


The big downside of this movie is how obvious it is that they had to write around Harold Ramis' death, which forces some extremely out of character stuff. No way do I buy that Pete, Ray, and Winston wouldn't have believed Egon and forced him to steal everything to stop it on his own. But the real life circumstances and Jason Reitman's clear adoration for Ramis makes it hard to be that upset about it, especially when the rest of the movie is so great. And it was successful enough that Reitman's currently making a sequel, which I can't wait for.


Janine's love life is kind of weird. The first movie originally had a whole romantic subplot with her and Egon which got cut down to just a few hints, and then the second ignores it completely and instead has her hook up with Louis.

Thomas Corp

That was a good call you made rewatching the original Ghostbusters prior to seeing this newer one. I never actually saw either Ghostbusters one or two start to finish until I was around nineteen-twenty. I did see the cartoon as a kid, and I heard the theme song a lot growing up. I didn’t know Egon was your favorite, with Winston being a close second. But when you said that it did make me say, “Yeah, I can see that.” Me, I could make a case for any of the Ghostbusters for being my favorite as all four of them were relatable, each in their own way. I loved this new film a lot. I became slightly melancholic at parts thinking about family of mine that would have loved this. Like you said, it struck a very well-balanced tone throughout. All the kids were great, Podcast being perhaps my favorite. And the use of Elmer Bernstein’s themes and motifs from the original film was a nice touch. I too love Carrie Coon in pretty much anything that she’s in, Fargo especially, and here she was great. Reminds me that I really need to see The Leftovers, particularly seeing as you’ve often highly recommended it. Paul Rudd was fun. Surprised he didn’t show Mac and Me to the class. The J. K. Simmons cameo was a surprise. Yes, it was emotional seeing Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernis Hudson return. I was with Venkman and Winston during the “Are you a God?” scene in that I was saying, “Oh, come on, Ray! Really!?” It also got me in the heart seeing Annie Potts return as Janine. I could have used a lot more of Sigourney Weaver, but I'll take what I can get. Shame no Rick Moranis, though I heard he simply wasn’t interested in returning. It was interesting with this how you said that you didn’t recall the death of Harold Ramis, though you freely admitted that perhaps you did know about it, it just wasn’t coming to you right away. Therefore, it made your reaction unique. I went into the film wondering how they would handle Harold’s death, and I think they did a most lovely job honoring him and paying tribute to him. I’m with you on wishing that Janine was Callie’s mom, or at least that she and Egon had gotten together. Alas, lovely though that would have been, that ship sank about thirty-four years ago. Probably a factor as to why people don’t like Ghostbusters II as much as the first one. The moment when Egon appears at the end, when we see Harold’s spirit as it were, I had essentially the same reaction you did. The entire ending made me cry. Concerning the interruptions of the reactions, they did not bother me. I saw you wrote the apology for them, and my first thought was the technical difficulties had returned, and I felt bad for you if that was the case. I will say yes, it was rotten timing of the alarm going off when it did. Even so, it did not bother me. And like you said, this is the first time that’s ever happened. I know EXACTLY what you mean about just fixating on something like how you said you were going to fixate on the alarm going off until you uploaded the reaction. That shit happens to me all the time on a daily basis, hourly basis, depending on the month I'm having. I empathize and sympathize completely as the feeling is a mind-boggling, gargantuan pain in the ass. I am glad to hear you say that you had a good time watching this, and that it went some way in helping you get into a more positive mental state. I had a most lovely time sharing this movie with you, Jess, and it was a wonderful reaction. Thank you very much.


Moranis has been far more focused on his kids than his career ever since his wife's passing, and it takes a lot to get him to take the time away from them.

Thomas Corp

Right, which is why when I've heard that he simply isn’t interested in having even a cameo appearance in a Ghostbusters film, I know that’s a big reason as to why he’s not in the movies. And considering that, I don’t begrudge him for that.


Rick Moranis hasn´t done anything since 2006, but he´ll be in a new movie called "Shrunk" - I´m honestly surprised of his relatively short filmography...

Henry Fuller

You missed the post credit scene with janine and winston in the firehouse

David Vandervliet

Yes there is another post credit scene