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Star Trek 3x13 Full Reaction

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If you ever find yourself doubting your abilities, just remember that a writer on one of the biggest shows at the time put the line "You cannot resist my love, my love" into their script, and apparently no one had a problem with just putting it right in the episode. Yeah, so when you're watching something old enough, the question isn't so much "Is this going to be cringe-ily racist and/or sexist" as "When does the cringe come in, and how bad is it?" and this season gives us probably the show's nadir of both, with Paradise Syndrome for the racism and then this for the sexism. It also really doesn't help that the story is a obvious riff on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, whose outrageously misogynist plot was being called out and parodied even within his own lifetime (seriously, look up The Tamer Tamed sometime, it's awesome).

Josef Schiltz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-05 02:01:51 Ok Crikey! This reminds me of the old song by Ken Dodd - which goes: Tears for souvenirs are all you've left me Memories of a love you never meant I just can't believe you could forget me After all those happy hours we spent (together) Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Sorry Doddy! >sniffle< I'm tearing up now! Blub!
2023-01-21 19:37:39 Ok Crikey! This reminds me of the old song by Ken Dodd - which goes: Tears for souvenirs are all you've left me Memories of a love you never meant I just can't believe you could forget me After all those happy hours we spent (together) Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Sorry Doddy! >sniffle< I'm tearing up now! Blub!

Ok Crikey! This reminds me of the old song by Ken Dodd - which goes: Tears for souvenirs are all you've left me Memories of a love you never meant I just can't believe you could forget me After all those happy hours we spent (together) Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Tears have been my only consolation But tears can't mend a broken heart I must confess Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Let's forgive and forget Turn our tears of regret Once more to tears of happiness Sorry Doddy! >sniffle< I'm tearing up now! Blub!

Thomas Corp

Another occasion where your reaction is so much better than the episode. And may I just say, Jess, that this reaction was such a lovely thing to come home and watch after a hard day’s work. Yes, as you say, it was an episode. It was a doozy. You're correct in that yeah, I anticipated a lot of what you said, and at one point, even said, “Jess is going to have a day with this one.” I see Ryan made a fair comparison that this episode is very much a take on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, which is apt. I’m with you on wishing that there was more background provided on the logistics of whatever arrangements were made in this episode. Had they focused on that more than they did, I too would have felt the episode could have been better than it was. Very much as you described your feelings, I too found Elaan to be most unpleasant and relatively unlikeable, yet there is some sympathy for her in that she clearly does not wish to be in the situation that she’s in. Yeah, the sexism is horrid in this one, which again, considering it’s essentially a take on The Taming of the Shrew, it’s unfortunately not terribly surprising given how misogynistic The Taming of the Shrew is. Seriously, I had theatre professors in college who have had some choice words about that play. I agree it is absolutely ludicrous that only Elaan is expected to change and not the groom, who never even appears in the episode. You said at one point in the reaction, “Nobody has an issue with this?” I said in response, “I do. I have a COPIOUS number of issues with this.” And at the end of the reaction how you posed the query of it not being likely that the plot would be the same were the genders reversed. Given the period in which this got made, I highly doubt that would have gone over well if they had a plot such as this with the genders reversed. Sadder still, I think even today there’s a good chance it would not receive the warmest response. Perhaps I'm wrong about that. As you say, you’re not altogether against Kirk’s strategy in theory, the condescending and sexist way he went about it was insufferable. Particularly that line about Vulcan women which I wanted to smack Kirk upside the head with a blunt object. Concerning the plotline of Elaan using the tears, my reaction to it was to say, “Oh, no, not this horseshit again.” You stated you would have been more on board with the idea of Elaan putting on an act and manipulating Kirk for her benefit. I still would have found the plotline horrifying, but I'll agree that the idea you put forward sounds preferable to what we got with the “romantical” plotline. If for no other reason than it would have felt more organic and less out of character for how Elaan was portrayed. A bright spot in the episode was Sulu being iconic. I always love it when you get very invested in the Sulu scenes. The fashion was intriguing, and I had a laugh at your fashion commentary. I had a moment of it myself after Elaan had the third costume change, I said to myself, “What does this lady have Edith Head in her entourage or something?” Like I said, this reaction was lovely, and most superb, Jess, thank you.


Even the first feature length film of Shrew from 1929 has Mary Pickford as Katerina deliver her final lines about how women should be totally subservient to their husbands with a literal giant wink to the camera, like they're saying "Yeah, we know, this really doesn't fly anymore."