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Classic Who "The Deadly Assassin" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Brodie Vickers

I've been in a rotten mood for the last few hours, needed my Who fix to help me relax; that story at the end was just a bonus! lol

Josef Schiltz

"Predictable as ever, Doctor!"


We'd gotten some brief glimpses at the Time Lords before, but this story is what fully cemented their look and culture as it's been understood ever since.

Josef Schiltz

Jess. Erm. What are your Vitamin D levels like? Also, do you have a fair amount of sugar in your diet? - which acts as an inflammatory. Sugar will also be taken up by the body more readily than Vitamin C, which is an anti-inflammatory. Sugar and C are very similar and, in the presence of sugar, C will be ignored. My own family problem was this, continually, plus we all have relatively small sinuses. Upped the daily D levels, cut the sugar and replaced with stevia. It's virtually keto, but not quite. Just needing to remember that carbs will produce high blood glucose - less of those jammie dodgers! :-( It's virtually the diet used for diabetics. Trouble is, you have to do a lot of trials with various foods to see how the sinuses react. A pain! There are also nasal pots - which are messy and yucky to use. I've avoided those so far! Blargh! The other thing is that you can also get fungal infections in the sinuses. That could have been from an older environment you have lived or worked in. Maybe you had a musty attic or basement or something. These things can hang around for years and just wait until the right trigger to flare up. Chronic stress will do it. Spores can lay dormant for years in biofilms up your nose. Persistent little so-and-sos aren't they!

Jenny Chalek

Have you ever tried a neti pot? They're kind of difficult to get used to at first, but they definitely clear things out for you. Using it once a day for a long term would probably give you relief. I hope you do find relief somehow. *HUGS*

James Fish

Thank you for a great reaction. It certainly is an interesting story of twists and turns, loosely based on The Manchurian Candidate. On your allergy/non allergy, I do care because my Dad heavily suffers from non allergic rhinitis also. Plus I have some symptoms of it (am constantly taking decongestant spray - probably to a very unhealthy level) & also have Asthma. My Dad is notably worse with it when outside in cold weather and catching colds make it flare up. Really sorry to hear it - I hope they discover a cure because it can be really debilitating! Hope they can at least give you something which mitigates it. See you next time!

Ian Smith

Another bonus from all that testing,Jess - presumably your fear of needles is now less than it was...?


Thanks for sharing that story. I've had similar situations, where I was sure I was suffering from something, and my doctor agreed, and then after testing it came up negative. Which is always frustrating because then I have to go through a whole other round of tests to figure out what is causing the problem (or in some cases, just let me suffer for years until I get treated for something else and coincidentally discover the root cause of the other issue). Aren't medical issues fun? 😅

Vanessa J McNamara

As far as I know, he’s always been called The crispy Master, lol. I like this story. I just remember being a little disappointed that one of the mysteries of the Time Lords was a rock quarry, but budgets were low. I share your feelings about needles. It’s basically anything piercing the skin. I can handle blood and all sorts of manner of icky things, but that’s my fear. That was really brave of you to go through all that. But you did it, and you won’t have to worry about getting those tests anymore. Luckily I’m basically only allergic to certain kinds of fungus and dust, but not being able to breathe is scary stuff.

Nicole Mazza

Oooh, can't wait to watch your reaction to this one! The story is ABSOLUTELY BONKERS, but I personally LOVE stories set on Gallifrey with all the robes and regalia (and especially the Chancellory Guards and their aborbz-but-sexy costumes/uniforms) and this one is just an absolute CLASSIC! <3 <3

Nicole Mazza

Yeah, this is all a bit of a fever-dream murder-mystery, all with bonus Crispy Master at the fore! I think the story grows on you as it goes along, so I'll definitely be interested in seeing how you feel about it at the end. (Again, I personally think it is BONKERS, but I still kinda love it? Plus, we get a lot Time Lord lore from this story that goes on to inform 'canon' as the show goes on, such as regeneration limits and whatever. IIRC, at the time, Tom Baker was saying how he could do the show 'one-handed' as it were -- without a companion -- and this was sort of the writers running with that to show him that, no, he kinda DOES need someone after all).

David Vandervliet

I don't know if it was intentional, but the actor who plays Chancellor Goth also played a Time Lord in the War Games...

Henry Fuller

I can relate to the difficulty with needles. I used to have panic attacks at doctors offices and blood drives just from the needles. I remember one time when i was 8 9 or 10, 4 nurses had to hold me down while doctor took viles of blood out of me.

Henry Fuller

Also did you notice one of the judges from 2nd doctor's trial is in this story. I think he really dislikes the doctor for some reason

Henry Fuller

From the masters point of view i think this takes place after the 90s tv movie 8th doctor

Henry Fuller

Tom baker got the job as 4th doctor after his portrayal as rasputan. Have you seen this? I have not but i have heard good things.

Henry Fuller

I can handle the blood just had a really hard time with the needles. Some medical professionals being way too rough and careless with a child under the age of 5 kinda sticks with you

Josef Schiltz

Well, the Matrix is a mutable environment that can be tailored by the mind(s) that are enabled control of it, in this case it is rendered suitable as a stress environment that contains all sort of perils suited to wearing out or maybe to the point of bringing the Doctor to abject defeat, or worse, extinction. As with the Gallifreyan 'hard drive' in Dark Water and Death in Heaven where the hard drive takes on the appearance of a cityscape modelled to the likeness of a dyson sphere. In Star Trek terms, the environment would be holodeck-like.

Josef Schiltz

I recall that the film was The Golden Voyage of Sinbad that Barry Letts was advised to see, in which Tom was playing the evil magician Prince Koura.

Josef Schiltz

For me it's Victorian dolls. I can't stand the wretched things. My aunt had the same phobia. She was given one as a small child and the first thing she did was take it out into the garden and smash it.

Henry Fuller

What about the early edison talking dolls the talking was from a wax reel recording inside the doll. The recording was so bad the dolls scared alot of kids

Josef Schiltz

Yes, quite so. A few years earlier in 1971. He played Rasputin in the film Nicholas and Alexandra. I think his first film role, or one of his earliest. Bill Slater had recommended Tom to Barry Letts and after seeing his performance in The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, which was conveniently showing a mere stone's throw away, became convinced he would make an excellent Doctor. Have you seen Tom's This Is Your life yet? It's a wonderful get together and Tom relished just being adored! I wonder if we should try recommending one of these films to Jess? Maybe the Rasputin? Can't remember if there are snakes in the Sinbad film. I've not seen it for decades! Edit: After a quick view of the plot, doesn't look as if there are any snakes. As far as Jess is concerned, that's a plus.

Josef Schiltz

eeEURrrrgh! Did you ever see Barbarella? You know, I don't have any problem whatsoever with action figures or statuettes. But there's just something about those dolls that creep me out. Didn't even have an issue with the Autons - and, fortunately, the doll manufacturing didn't bother me in Spearhead From Space and, anyway, it was only for a few seconds on screen.

Henry Fuller

I have not. Is it worth the watch? I first watched doctor who in the 80s and early 90s with my cousin on late night tv. They had movie edits of the tom baker stories. It made for fun saturday nights. I didn't see the black and whites until vhs releases. They had a whole isle of doctor who vhs in the 90s in the movie store in the mall. I used to stroll through when i was on break when i worked in jc penney in the mall in high school. I'd wonder what adventures are these from the vhs covers. When did you first watch doctor who?


The temptation to go through all your videos that contain the phrase “sorry, my allergies are really bad today” and write “LIAR!!!” is high, I have to say. 😂 glad you’ve got some answers though. Also yes, this story is absolutely batshit insane.

Josef Schiltz

Sorry I hadn't replied to your post Henry. There's a lot of nuts stuff going on in my life at present - though it's nuts in a good way! In answer, I first watched Doctor Who in 1964 and then, properly, in 1965. There are memories of my parents switching it off. We had a walnut upright piano in the living room and I retreated behind it because of the sounds. They naturally extinguished the disturbing noises and I have recollection that the noises were Daleks. Now I know that I am hypersensitive to certain types of noise, it all makes sense! I guess I am part Sensorite! Now, as for Barbarella, how in space can I describe Barbarella? Erotic, morally satirical, surreally grotesque, and absurd. If you've seen the Flash Gordon movie and loved it, you may just be able to take the Barbarella movie. Maybe bring up a few stills on image search. The one sequence that does have creepy dolls. Contextualizing them within the film, I can just take it.

Josef Schiltz

And that 'trial' of the Master in the tv movie doesn't even make sense. They'd shoot him before anything else!