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Classic Who - "The Deadly Assassin" Part 1/2 Full Reaction

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Azmat Mahmood

It's quite fortuitous that you're reacting to this story today, since it's Tom Baker's 89th birthday! This is a great way to celebrate it. The Deadly Assassin is a brilliant, landmark story that changed Doctor Who forever.


It really says something about how popular a companion Sarah Jane was that they didn't try to replace her right away, and just had the Doctor be at Gallifrey on his own, the ONLY time this happened in the classic series and only seen in the reboot series due to temporary budget saving tricks like Midnight and Heaven Sent.

Thomas Corp

I’m familiar with how you described the allergy tests as though I've not had those tests myself, my mom has had them to determine what she’s allergic to, and to determine apart from her asthma why she can’t breathe. Myself personally, so far as I know, I'm not allergic to anything, save for most conventional social interactions, crowds above a certain size, technology past a certain point, and generally speaking, most types of sporting events. I'm happy that you’re not allergic to Rocco. That does stink that the tests came out negative. As I said on youtube, hopefully the congestion issue will be resolved sooner rather than later. I get what you mean in that it’s not necessarily funny that you’re not allergic to anything specific, yet in a cosmic sort of way, there is a humorous irony to that fact. You do not have to apologize for the fact that you’re not allergic to anything. You do so for as you said, lying about it, and I say in response the line, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” Besides, you didn’t lie, you were simply incorrect in your statements of your having allergies. Given the information you had at your disposal prior to the tests you took, it’s not an unreasonable surmise to conclude that you had allergies, thus, as I say, you’re not lying as it’s a genuine belief. It's like when people ask me a yes or no question and I'm not entirely sure, but I believe the answer to be no, so I give a response of, “To my knowledge, no, I don’t think so.” Again, I do hope that everything ultimately goes well for you, Jess. You take care of yourself.

Henry Fuller

They wanted to bring her back 1981 as reg companion. Liz sladin said no