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Star Trek 3x07 Full Reaction

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This is easily one of the season’s best. Shame it’s wrecked a bit by the makeup guys giving up on subtlety and just straight up putting the Klingons in blackface. Also, you may recognize Michael Ansara’s distinctive voice as Mr. Freeze in Batman The Animated Series.


I’d say that my opinion is similar to what you expressed in that this is an episode that I'm fond of the plot and the overall set-up. There are issues that I have about the execution, still, the plot and set-up were, as you said, intriguing. Michael Ansara was great. As I see Ryan pointed out, Michael would go on to lend his distinctive voice in Batman the Animated Series as Mr. Freeze. Thirty years later and that show is still insanely fantastic by the way. The main strikes against this episode are one, as you observed, the make-up for the Klingons was jarring; you are correct on that. Yeah, it’s highly unfortunate of an episode dealing with prejudice and that make-up with the Klingons is employed, and I'll leave it at that as I'll probably misspeak if I comment more in detail. The second major strike was the scene where Chekov assaulted Mara with the intent to rape her, which got me so livid at that part. It wasn’t even necessary. We already had a grasp on the concept of using the technical term, the Spinney-Blobby inciting a murderous rage in everyone. There was NO call for the scene with Chekov. Your reaction to that moment is more or less exactly what I thought it would be, and I said, “Yeah, Jess, your reaction sums it up succinctly.” I’m with you on it would be nice if Star Trek did away with the problematic elements going forward. I loved Spock’s insights throughout the episode. You mentioned being offended on Spock’s behalf, you and me both on that one. Addressing your queries about the Spock scene. Two thoughts on that, first, given Chekov swears vengeance for a brother he never even had, it’s possible that the Spinney-Blobby stirred up aggressive feelings out of the blue, regardless of how much or how little truth and/or authenticity there was. Alternatively, it could have been a case of its targeting latent emotions that could conceivably exist within anybody, and the writers meant it to be a commentary on how even the most heroic, stalwart heroes can themselves become victims to feelings of prejudice. It is possible that I am incorrect on one or both thoughts, but that’s my surmise on that scene. Rather interesting as you pointed out how Sulu seemed unaffected by the goings on in this episode. Or at least to the best of my recollection, no, there was no scene with Sulu being under the influence as it were. I agree with you on liking that part of the episode, and, yes, Sulu is iconic and a champ. Somewhat curious how they got that past Shatner because I seriously doubt that he’d have been ok about Sulu being the sole member of the crew who was immune to the Spinney-Blobby. Nice to see the Enterprise crew and the Klingons band together at the end. I would not have been opposed to the make out strategy that you proposed. Got a kick out of Kang aggressively slapping Kirk on the back in the final scene. Another highlight of the reaction was your reaction to Scotty going for the floofy claymore. I thank you for the great reaction, and the most excellent post-reaction thoughts and insights. I know you say you become nervous in discussing the topics that came up, and I get why. Even so, you were terrific with the insights you provided, Jess. I loved hearing what you had to say. Thanks again.


It really is both interesting and unfortunate how this show that has some well-deserved kudos for being so forward-thinking occasionally still succumbs to being made at a time when a person acting like Don Draper wasn't considered at all unusual.