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Daniel Davies

Originally, Douglas Camfield really wanted the sound effects of Chase going through the compost machine, but in the end he decided not to because it did sound too gruesome for tea-time television. This was also the last time the original TARDIS prop was used in the series. After 13 years of being knocked about, rebuilt and repainted, it sadly couldn’t stand anymore and the roof collapsed onto Tom Baker and Liz Sladen whilst they were filming the final scene. So look out for the new TARDIS prop next season and see if you can spot the difference.

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-05 05:08:59 Thank you for a really wonderful reaction to a great story. I love how you're able to analyse all the elements which make it great so well. This time of the classic series was, for me, one of the best where there was seldom an unengaging story. It was a time they say the streets over here in the UK were cleared just prior to it airing. Where families all sat down to enjoy it together. My family certainly did and it gave me an undying love for the show. Imagine being a member of one of these families when you get a knock on the door just before it started, only to open it to Tom Baker himself, asking if he could come in and watch it with you. Well that's exactly what did happen to one family. Super jealous! More on that a few stories down the line. Really looking forward to your 3rd Doctor review. I certainly feel for you that you were unprepared for it. As a means of the subtlest help, when 4 does go, there is the subtlest of hints in the story before & I'll be really interested to see whether you can spot it. It's a fair way off though, so no immediate worry, just keep it in mind. No spoilers from me! See you next time!
2022-12-09 18:17:53 Thank you for a really wonderful reaction to a great story. I love how you're able to analyse all the elements which make it great so well. This time of the classic series was, for me, one of the best where there was seldom an unengaging story. It was a time they say the streets over here in the UK were cleared just prior to it airing. Where families all sat down to enjoy it together. My family certainly did and it gave me an undying love for the show. Imagine being a member of one of these families when you get a knock on the door just before it started, only to open it to Tom Baker himself, asking if he could come in and watch it with you. Well that's exactly what did happen to one family. Super jealous! More on that a few stories down the line. Really looking forward to your 3rd Doctor review. I certainly feel for you that you were unprepared for it. As a means of the subtlest help, when 4 does go, there is the subtlest of hints in the story before & I'll be really interested to see whether you can spot it. It's a fair way off though, so no immediate worry, just keep it in mind. No spoilers from me! See you next time!

Thank you for a really wonderful reaction to a great story. I love how you're able to analyse all the elements which make it great so well. This time of the classic series was, for me, one of the best where there was seldom an unengaging story. It was a time they say the streets over here in the UK were cleared just prior to it airing. Where families all sat down to enjoy it together. My family certainly did and it gave me an undying love for the show. Imagine being a member of one of these families when you get a knock on the door just before it started, only to open it to Tom Baker himself, asking if he could come in and watch it with you. Well that's exactly what did happen to one family. Super jealous! More on that a few stories down the line. Really looking forward to your 3rd Doctor review. I certainly feel for you that you were unprepared for it. As a means of the subtlest help, when 4 does go, there is the subtlest of hints in the story before & I'll be really interested to see whether you can spot it. It's a fair way off though, so no immediate worry, just keep it in mind. No spoilers from me! See you next time!


Baker has the longest run in the role, and likely always will given how the show now seems to have settled on three seasons as a typical run.


Yes, him and Jon Pertwee kind of broke the mould on how many seasons a Doctor typically stays (David Tennant too for New Who). I don't know if you've seen The Tom Baker Years but he said that almost every time he spoke about 'the next season being the last' the team were kind of like 'Oh no Tom, you can't leave!', until of course his penultimate season when he said that & the room went quiet. He then knew it was time to move on.

Nicole Mazza (edited)

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2023-04-05 05:08:59 Like you, I ADORE Harrison Chase. <3 <3 Also, once I read an interview with Mark Gatiss where he talked about how much he also really loved Chase, especially as he was basically coded a gay/queer (which meant a lot to him as a kid) and I totally have to agree! <3
2022-12-11 07:03:21 Like you, I ADORE Harrison Chase. <3 <3 Also, once I read an interview with Mark Gatiss where he talked about how much he also really loved Chase, especially as he was basically coded a gay/queer (which meant a lot to him as a kid) and I totally have to agree! <3

Like you, I ADORE Harrison Chase. <3 <3 Also, once I read an interview with Mark Gatiss where he talked about how much he also really loved Chase, especially as he was basically coded a gay/queer (which meant a lot to him as a kid) and I totally have to agree! <3