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The Walking Dead 11x24 Full Reaction

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I´m going to miss all of them... Rosita was one of my favorite characters (in the show and in the Comics) and I´m so glad she lived longer in the show than in the comics AND that they gave her the death of another comic book-character - it was perfect! I´m sad that we won´t see Judith grow up like we did with Carl. AND I think I´m going to watch this reaction again after your reaction to the Supernatural Series Finale xD

Thomas Corp

Going into the finale, I didn’t have much in the way of predictions. I had two. The first was that because Lydia lost her arm, either through shock or blood loss, Lydia would hallucinate, and see her mother, and there would be a confrontation, so to speak. Admittedly, this prediction was largely based on the fact that I really badly wanted to see Samantha Morton appear as Alpha in some way, shape, or form, and that seemed the most realistic way that could happen. My other prediction I'll get to later. As to my hopes for this finale, there was really only one, and that was that I wanted the finale to be something that would make you happy. My only hope was that if you were happy with how The Walking Dead ended, then that would be more than enough for me. This was emotional for me. Right off the bat, it made me cry when Jules and Luke died. That moment with the harmonica really got to me especially. I can’t even explain why it got me as bad as it did, it just did. I most enjoyed your reaction to Gabriel unlocking the gates, particularly when you realized the full-circle nature of the act. Concerning Pamela, I’d say I'm on your side on wishing that walker-Hornsby would have a time heartily chompity-chomp chomping on Pamela’s face. I had a similar thought, thinking, “A reanimated Hornsby sinking his teeth into Pamela? Hmm. The idea has copious amounts of merit.” Alas, though that did not happen, I do love her final scene where she’s imprisoned. If I were in Carol’s place, I first would have quoted Alpha, by saying, “I've seen how you live. I've walked your streets. It's a joke. Your communities are a shrine to a long-dead world.” Then I would have gone a touch biblical and quoted from Revelation, “I know your works. You are neither cold nor hot. So, because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” That said, Carol’s moment when she said what she said to Pamela was most terrific. The scenes with Negan and Maggie were immensely striking, especially when Negan sincerely apologized to Maggie. You hit it on the head by describing it as simple sorrow. The later scenes where Maggie has her talk with Negan were scenes that I knew would get you right in the heart. I think the show and the characters found the perfect balance with that scene. The way that Maggie says that although she’s still unable to forgive Negan, nor is she fully able to stop hating him, she is trying to get to the point where she could, because she doesn’t want to live with the pain; she doesn’t want to remember Glenn that way, all of that scene was beautiful. And you can tell that Negan is affected by it. I can see Negan’s thought process being along the lines of he wouldn’t expect Maggie to ever forgive him. Maggie saying those words is something that Negan would only ever dream could happen. I'd also think that he’d be unable to forgive himself, and he probably thinks that he doesn’t deserve to. Your reaction to that scene, and then later, your post-episode thoughts and feelings of that scene was just so wonderful, Jess. It is rotten to hear that you got some shit from some people about Glenn, and “Not getting over it.” I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do about Glenn. To use examples that I know you’ve seen, I’m still beyond heartbroken about Clara in Doctor Who, and I’m not apologizing about it. Or to use a Clone Wars example, it’s soon to be ten years since I first saw it, and Satine’s death is still one that hurts beyond belief. When it’s characters that we love as much as we do, it does sometimes feel like we lose a friend or family. People don’t much care for your thoughts about Glenn, that’s their misfortune. Now, to talk about Rosita, as I said on youtube, that got me especially bad. Yeah, that was a mighty impressive scream you let out when she fell. I too relate to the moment where Rosita tells Eugene to keep it together. I’m in a similar situation to you on dealing with things by oneself first. I also relate to having the easier time being emotional whilst watching tv/film, more specifically when I'm by myself. When I watch stuff with others, more often than not, I tend to be more reserved. By my lonesome, it is much easier to be freer with the emotions. Rosita’s final moments were highly bittersweet. I loved the acting with Gabriel when he found out. Although his expression remains relatively the same, his eyes conveyed everything. I mean it, that line, “I’m glad it was you in the end.” that broke the dam in terms of crying. Otherwise, I was pleased that the ending was for the most part happy. I had a small scream seeing Dog, saying, “Hey, there’s Dog! He’s ok! Thank God!” I breathed a massive sigh of relief that Aaron made it. I knew he was the character you were most concerned about in these final episodes. You’re right in that there is something about characters that were good, and how great it is to see someone like Aaron or Jerry who held onto that, and they survived. There’s the line in M*A*S*H that sums it up well, “The first time I met you, I thought there's this nice decent guy, kind of sweet and gentle, you know? How's he ever going to last out here? I got to tell you, you're just about the toughest bird I know.” Though it is a shame that Daryl and Carol parted ways, I think the show handled that in a sweet way. I knew that the final scene with Rick and Michonne would yield a strong reaction. And the scene itself surprised me as well. My second prediction for the finale was that Rick would appear in a flashback or Judith would hallucinate seeing Rick. He and Michonne actually appearing was as I said a surprise. All in all, this was a tremendous series finale, and your reaction to it was beautiful, Jess, purely and simply beautiful. As much as I cried during the finale, it was matched and, in some ways, outmatched by how much I cried during your reaction. Your final statements of the reaction were most heartwarming. And you’re right that without The Walking Dead, there would never have been your channel. Speaking for myself, I am forever grateful that I discovered your channel, and have come to know you, and it’s all thanks to this show that it all came to be. Though I can never properly convey just how much it all means to me, I still say thank you so much for this beautiful reaction, and I thank you for everything you do, Jess. Truly and sincerely, thank you.