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Clone Wars 7x01/7x02 Full Reaction

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it says its password protected?

Dave van der Kuyp

Hmm. I seem to be getting the reaction version through this link, and the download is the previous weeks. Anyone else get this?


Yes! The "Youtube-Version" is on the site and on the download you get last weeks Full Reaction :)


Yeah same, its the cut down version and when I download the reaction it's last weeks instead of this one


Also Supernatural 7x01 is active a day early, but it´s actually her reaction to 6x22 ^^

Mark McKeown

Okay download button should be correct, and streamable copy will be up in a bit!

Mark McKeown

Okay download button should be correct, and streamable copy will be up in a bit!

Thomas Corp

Yeah, I figured this would get you emotional. And I agree with you that the opening text of the second episode should have read, “Time to get Echo, now, bitch!” Alas, no such text, shame. You can say “Oh my goodness” as much as you want to, Jess. Though it’s not much, I did enjoy that Cody got a bit of focus in the first episode. When you called him, “My dear, beloved Cody” I had a moment and said, “Right. That got me.” So, yeah, this arc introduces the Bad Batch, and they are most impressive. I love the rousing action theme that Kevin Kiner provides them. Of the four of them, Crosshair is my favorite, though there is a big soft spot for Tech. I may be wrong, but I think Wrecker tends to be the most popular amongst the fandom. I know at least Dee Bradley Baker has said that Wrecker is his favorite of the group to voice. Your reactions to Wrecker were priceless, and yeah, he does have quite the unabashed bravado. I can’t say I disagree with your opinion. It's like when I was a kid when it came to the Ninja Turtles, practically everyone else said that their favorite was Mikey, and I was always more of a Leo kind of kid. I get a similar vibe with the Bad Batch, particularly in that Wrecker is definitely the Mikey of the group. Concerning your question of are the Bad Batch, and Wrecker specifically the way they are in their show like how they are in this arc, without spoiling anything specific, it’s similar, but it’s toned down somewhat. It’s kind of like how Vicki Lawrence as Thelma Harper, dear old Mama, was much nastier and over the top on The Carol Burnett Show, but then when she starred in her own show, Mama’s Family, the more unpleasant aspects of the character were softened and/or toned down. The Bad Batch goes through a similar thing. I loved how protective you were of Rex throughout this first half of this arc. It's like he said, he’s lost so many brothers, he’s seen all the dominos fall. Is it so wrong that he’s holding onto the hope that he could get one of them back. I’m most pleased that Echo’s survival was not spoiled for you. I confess, it took some willpower to keep quiet about that one. Your reaction to Rex finding Echo was everything. Now onto the scene that got to me the most in these first two episodes of the arc, and that is the scene between Anakin and Padmé. It was so sweet seeing them have their talk. I love how Padmé points out that Anakin’s not exactly one to talk when it comes to letting emotions cloud one’s judgment, and to Anakin’s credit, he concedes that. It's also sweet how Padmé offers the support for Anakin on helping Rex. Just the whole scene does such a heartbreaking job of showcasing a small glimpse of a future that Anakin and Padmé could have had if only fate had been kinder to both Anakin and Padmé. And it makes me cry the whole scene how Kevin utilizes the theme, Across the Stars, which, twenty years later remains one of the loveliest most beautiful themes that John Williams has ever composed. I loved your reaction to Obi-Wan's line. Yeah, of course the subterfuge won’t be effective against Obi-Wan. On the other hand, he’s got Anakin’s back. There’s a line from a deleted scene that sums it up. The line refers to Anakin and Padmé’s relationship, and Obi-Wan says that he and Anakin, “We both pretend I don’t know.” Nice to have the episode confirm that Rex knows as well, and further showcases how ride or die Rex is. Also, yeah as you noted, the communication problem with the group of aliens could have been resolved quicker had they had 3PO, the King as you called him, along with the group. I love that you call 3PO your King. Never mind that I may not feel the same way, it really is so sweet. Taking a page from your book, in my case using your expression of calling 3PO “My King” my king, (who by the way, I'm praying that I'll get to see him in the season finale of Andor) sadly, he’s the one primarily responsible for the lightheartedness taking the sharp downturn that it does in Revenge of the Sith. I still can’t believe we’re almost at the point where we revisit Sith. I am getting so excited. Thank you, Jess, for this fun reaction to the first half of the Bad Batch arc, can’t wait to see your reaction to the second half.


You can also see that Padme is a bit pregnant during the scene, which got a lot of fans joking about how oblivious Anakin is when this is a surprise to him in Revenge of the Sith. At least when we saw the trailer for the season, since in context the sheer emotional weight of the conversation is plenty to believe it would distract him enough away from what's really not that big a bump.


A good introduction to the Bad Batch. As soon as this season and TCW was finished, they announced the Bad Batch were getting a series. Some wondered if they could hold their own series, and I'm pleased to say, so far, they do - they don't outstay their welcome. They calm down a bit in the series, especially your boy Wrecker, who is a tonne of fun and will grow on you, but yes he is very over the top lol!! If you didn't pick up on it, officially they are called Clone Force 99, in reference to 99 from Kamino who helped Domino Squad in the early seasons. Speaking of Domino Squad, we thought them all dead, but one made it so far as Echo somehow didn't get blown up on the Citadel, but was turned into this and made into a strategic weapon for the separatists. Horrible; but he is out now. Of all the things we've been getting recently, season 2 of the Bad Batch is the one I've most been looking forward to. They did a pretty good job in the first season. You asked Jess if Anakin and Padme had patched stuff up, well in that scene we can see that Padme is in the early stages of pregnancy with the developing baby bump and how radiant in the cheeks she is; so yep I think they are doing swimmingly for now before Anakin develops a greater love for steel and leather! ;) I love Trench, he is so damn cool. Would love a model of him, I wonder if they made them?


Another Crosshair fan Thomas? Yep he's my fave too, he's so damn cool and doesn't give a hoot. I have Tech second too of the squad, then we can get to the others later as their story gets developed further when Jess gets to it - IF she wants to. Their theme is indeed boss, and one of their members in the series gets a theme that is the best thing I've heard in years, its so damn good. I am glad for Jess that it wasn't spoiled that Echo was still alive when Fives died; I don't understand why people want to see a reactor watch something, then basically tell them whats about to happen in the upcoming storyline? I didn't know about that deleted scene with Anakin and Obi-Wan, and strangely I was checking out a deleted scene for ROTS the other day for another reactor I follow here who is watching the mighty Rebels. This is the thing, Obi-Wan knows Anakin and Padme have a thing, but he TRUSTS Anakin completely to work through it, as he did with Satine, and make a decision that will best suit him. He of course doesn't know about the marriage and would let him know that its not cool for him to lead this double life for the good of him, his marriage and being a Jedi. Anakin's ego will be his downfall. I didn't click with 'King' referencing 3P0, as I was saying to myself that Rex (in Latin that name translates as King) was no interpreter! As for Anakin not noticing the obvious baby bump and radiance from Padme on the holo; well he was always a bit dense outside of the battlefield.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, Crosshair is one who is quite cool. I keep hearing differing opinions about Tech, though I've heard that most are positive. Nice to hear you're fond of both Crosshair and Tech. I should clarify that I don’t know if the deleted scene was ever filmed. It is at the very least featured in the novelization of Revenge of the Sith. Concerning people telling reactors spoilers, the impulse I understand. I remember the reaction Jess had to Echo’s sacrifice at the citadel and how saddened she was. And I wanted to let her know that Echo survived, but I knew that would ruin the surprise. Or like with what happened to Satine, that took an immense amount self-control and willpower not to warn Jess about that. Of course, to your point, by revealing plot points, it defeats the purpose of a reaction, which ultimately is what helps keep my mouth shut. Jess has a habit of referring to 3PO as her king. Her habit of doing so has rubbed off on me, and she’s got me doing it in that I've on occasion taken to referring to the Emperor as “My King” as well.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, The Bad Batch, what I've seen of it is terrific. I say what I've seen as I have yet to finish the first season. I made it to a little past the halfway point before I got sidetracked by one or two things in my life. Reminds me I got to get back to it. Their being named Clone Force 99 after 99 is a shot right to the heart, made me cry. Trench is a great villain. To my knowledge, there’s no model of him, though I could be mistaken about that. Would be cool if there was one, I would say that.


Ah I see. I've never read the ROTS novel, though hear it is a hell of a book. Been thinking about getting some Thrawn books and I have an audiobook of characters from Rebels to listen to also, so may look into getting more SW books down the line, even if many of them have been altered in canon these days (which doesn't bother me all that much tbh). What a weird droid for Jess to love so much though. I mean 3P0 is quite something (and in the 2003 Clone Wars he is hilarious), but compared to other droids in the franchise, he's far from a King! :P


You'd think there would be a model out there someplace of Trench, they have models of side characters that don't even have lines these days, so why not this cool cybernetic spider guy? :D You could maybe give it a watchthrough before season 2 gets under way in January (unless its delayed yet again!!). There is a scene later in the first series, that I think may get you melancholic for sure; and the music for it too, oh the music - these damn Kiner's are just too good!

Thomas Corp

Oh, the novelization for Revenge of the Sith by Matt Stover is so fantastic. It’s one of the best things that I've ever read. I highly recommend it. The Canon in it is slightly outdated, for instance, no mention of either Ahsoka or Rex, though like you say, that’s not much of a bother if the canon is a bit altered. Anything with Thrawn is great. Personally, my favorite droid is HK-47, though there’s always been a soft spot for C-3PO. I just think it’s so sweet that 3PO is tied with Mando for being Jess’s favorite Star Wars character. We love who we love. I do quite like your favorite droid as well; he is certainly quite a firecracker.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, I plan to get to what I haven’t seen of The Bad Batch because I am looking forward to the second season. I loved the first half of the first season, so I don’t doubt the second half will be good, perhaps even better.


Haha yes my fave droid is that! He's slightly ahead of the true hero of the whole franchise, R2-D2 and I would have HK-47 in third as I would listen to that droid calling me a meatbag, for hours! :D I do like 3P0 a lot too though, he is very much like a viewer questioning the mad things going on around him, is a bit of a diva and coward, and makes silly errors, but when push comes to shove, he'll just about answer! ;)


Some fans got upset when Bad Batch Season 2 was delayed, but I thought it was absolutely the right decision to not have it competing for attention with Andor. And after seeing how amazing Andor is, I feel that even more.