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Star Trek 3x04 Full Reaction

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It really does say something when an episode of Star Trek is so bizarre and absurd that Melvin Belli as the villain is the LEAST out there thing about the episode, and that part of the episode was already particularly out there to begin with. Yet like you said, this episode was surprisingly dark. Certainly, an improvement over the last episode, faint praise though that is. Yeah, those kids were creepy as sin, to the point I was saying, “What is this, the Village of the Damned, with these kids putting the Curse of the Cat People on the Enterprise?” I don’t have any kids myself, and I’m one of the farthest things from being an expert with kids, so perhaps I'm not one to talk, but I'm with you on being in favor of tackling the kids past a certain point. Well, actually, my thought was getting sharpshooters with tranquilizer darts to knock the kids out, and then put in a call to Sidney Freedman so he can be there to help the kids out when they come to, preferably with their hands taped down, so they can’t do their voodoo bullshit fist-pump. I knew you would get so protective of Sulu. I had a similar moment where I yelled, “You get the FUCK away from Sulu, you goddamn little shit!!!” I also strongly agree with you on relating to the subject of anxiety in this episode. If I have my information correct the kids were targeting the anxiety of the crew members of the Enterprise. If that is in fact what they were doing, I’m saying to myself, “Christ, I'd have zero chance against those kids.” You are correct that the resolution was interesting. I would agree with you in that this episode, more specifically the resolution, could have been a most effective exploration of grief. And in a way it was, though, like you stated, it could have been presented and/or executed a touch better. You're also correct that the show glossed over the death of those two poor redshirts, both their deaths themselves, as well as the horrific nature of their deaths. All in all, Jess, I'm pleased to see that you enjoyed the episode, particularly after the travesty that was last week’s episode. And it made for an especially fun reaction that I thank you for. It was most enjoyable.


You might have noticed by now that for all the crap Shatner gets about his hammy acting, it really only becomes noticeable in this season, where he also had much lesser material to work with. My favorite part of this one is easily the Red Shirt who just stares blankly at Kirk, making no indication that he can't understand him. You just know he's thinking "This is my chance to get out of an assignment that will kill me, and I'm not going to blow it!"