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Classic Who - "The Brain of Morbius" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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The implication that the Doctor actually had lives before the First Doctor was naturally a huge controversy among the fans, and the writer spent decades insisting that was indeed his intention even as the show never did anything more with it...until he was finally vindicated by Thirteen's story.

Azmat Mahmood

Until S12, I and a lot of other people just thought those other faces we saw were Morbius' previous incarnations. That's the good thing about that sequence, there's an implication of there being more to the Doctor than we know but it's left unclear and the fans are allowed to make up their own minds about what it all really meant. It just added to the inherent mystery that is a part of the Doctor's character and the feeling that we'll never truly know who he really is. What Chibnall did is the antithesis of this approach and added a lot of unnecessary backstory and robbed the Doctor of their mystery. We know too much about the Doctor now and the issue is, it's done nothing to impact the character or the show. It's just a load of empty and hollow additions to the lore.