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Andor 1x11 Full Reaction

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Jenny Chalek

OMG you're always so well put-together. Stunning. I wish I could be like that.


It does feel like this season went by somewhat fast. I think part of it is they had the first three episodes all at once. Yes, a strong penultimate episode for the first season. When I saw it, and we see that Maarva has died, I became sad. Then to see Bee’s reactions to Maarva’s death, you were instantly on my mind, knowing how much you love droid characters. Yeah, it is striking exploring how a droid processes grief. Mon Mothma’s scenes are now at the point where every one of them is breaking my heart. To address about Mon’s daughter, I'd say her actions are half sticking it to her mom, and half a result of her dad encouraging and/or enabling his daughter’s actions. I keep praising Genevieve O’Reilly in her performance as Mon, and this episode especially, where she lays bare all the conflict that Mon has, it’s such a strikingly human moment that rips your heart out. The scenes with Luthen and Saw, likewise, were emotional in like how you described the nature of the sacrifice. It says something when Saw of all people is stunned by Luthen’s plans. Saw’s already a man who’s quite paranoid and extreme, which, considering his past, can’t say I blame him. To have him visibly shocked by Luthen’s plan goes a long way in furthur showcasing Luthen’s ruthlessness. And, yes, Luthen’s action sequence was excellent. Particularly the use of the “Try spinning, that’s a good trick” tactic that he used with the lasers was most impressive. You feel so bad when Cassian learns of his mom’s death. I love the moment when he and Melshi briefly ponder the fate of Kino and the other prisoners. Were I in their place, and I was pondering the question of did Kino and the others make it or not, I would quote the one line from Midnight Mass, “They did. I'm deciding they did.” There were very strong parallels between the scene of Cassian on the beach where the topic of would a parent be proud of their child and the other scene of Cassian on a beach where the same topic comes up. So, it would seem that we’re all going to the funeral next week in the finale. I’d venture a guess that there will be many spanners in the works that will disrupt the ISB’s plans. Chief amongst them, Karn. Quite enjoyed seeing Mosk again. That is rotten timing with the finale being the day before Thanksgiving. I’m sending you lots of good vibes, thoughts, and prayers that it all goes as smoothly as possible for you next week. Thank you for yet another terrific reaction to Andor, Jess.


This episode kind of feels like it came in short and needed to be padded out, with all the time spent talking about things we already know. But luckily, that's still all good things so I didn't mind very much. It also struck me that Luthen's dogfight is easily the most "Star Wars," for lack of a better term, that the show has ever gotten, and really stands out from its usual style which I've gotten even more comfortable calling "If John Le Carre wrote Star Wars."