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For the month of December, I would love to react to a Holiday movie so please leave some suggestions below for what you might like to see on the poll. I'll also add some Holiday movies or specials I've never seen that I've always wanted to. 

Note: The Guardians Special will be reacted to officially on my channel so that won't be included in the poll. 

Please leave only one or two suggestions. If I have already seen your suggestion, it will not be included and if I get a lot of suggestions, I may have to make some executive decisions of what gets onto the poll. 



I'm going to think outside the box on this one and nominate Terry Gilliam's masterpiece "Brazil" which does take place at Christmas and has the added bonus of being one of the best movies ever made, period! If you want something a bit more traditional, "Arthur Christmas" is an often-overlooked modern classic.


The Star wars Holiday special?...


I'll go with my favorite Christmas film: Stalag 17.


The Lion in Winter, with the setup of a highbrow period piece and the execution of a sleazy B-movie, and tremendously fun.


Santa’s Slay… a Christmas horror comedy 😅


The Star Wars holiday special for sure


Also, Joyeax Noel, about the Christmas Truce of World War One.


The Santa cause moves with Tim Allan? there is a D+ series coming soon


Home For the Holidays - directed by Jodie Foster, stars Holly Hunter and baby Robert Downey, Jr. but the cast is huge *and* all of them are 'oh hey, it's that person!' actors haha It's easily my most favorite holiday film of all time (yep, even more than Die Hard and A Christmas Story).

Trey Moore

Home Alone if you haven’t seen it.


Muppet Christmas Carol


She’s done a reaction to the second one.


When you say Holiday reactions, I'm not sure if you mean Xmas movies or films where the cast go on some kind of holiday/vacation? If it's the former, will submit The Amazing Mr Blunden film again as it's the best xmas movie I've ever seen. If it's the latter, then National Lampoons Vacation.

Nikki Sonrisa

I’d love to recommend Rise of the Guardians (hopefully you haven’t already seen it). I think it’d be right up your alley ☺️


I always love a good version of A Christmas Carol, so any version of that would be lovely, although as someone else has already mentioned the Muppets I will nominate the 1970 musical version with Albert Finney.


The best one for me, and the one I most often watch, is the Alastair Sim one from the fifties. However, for pure joyous fun, Muppets is hard to beat, and the crutch scene with Tiny Tim always gets to me!


The Peter O'Toole and Kate Hepburn version? Its a hell of a film, but its about the dissolution of the family, and not really a thing for Christmas, though if Sesska was to watch, I'd sure like to see her reaction, as she does like a lot of needling between characters it appears.




I'm not so keen on the Sim one, personally. It just monkeys about with the story too much for me.

Alvin Cura

Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special


Maybe just because I loved your 13 nights of horror series & have that on my mind, but I think Gremlins or Better Watch Out would be amazing!


One thats slightly out of left field is "Wind Chill" (2007) - I guess you could classify it as a sort of Holiday horrormovie - featuring a young Emily Blunt

Mark McKeown

Not likely to succeed in any poll, but either Jonathan Creek "Black Canary" (90mins) Inside No9 "12 Days of Christine" (Only 30mins, so.. )


There was a long running series of Christmas specials made by the BBC in the 1970s (and a still ongoing reboot from the 2010s onwards) called 'A Ghost Story for Christmas' which might make for interesting reactions - I'm sure George Alexander could be persuaded to do another Halloween-style crossover reaction to something like 'A Warning To The Curious' or 'The Mezzotint'.


The Snowman (1982) is a classic British animated short film. It's a must watch for anyone who loves christmas. It's got an IMDB rating of 8.2 and was nominated for best original short film at the oscars. The short films lasts 26 minutes in total and you can rent in on amazon prime for $0.99. People have uploaded the whole short film to YouTube so you should have no problem reacting to it. Thanks for reading, Lucy.


Muppets reigned supreme as the favorite for me until Andrew Lincoln knocked them out.