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Star Trek 3x03 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

You mentioned how you were feeling uncomfortable for various reasons, that just about sums it up. Yeah, this episode was bad. It’s third for being my least favorite. After watching it this time, I talked to myself about it, and a voice in my head chimed in with, “Sure it’s bad, but it’s more coherent than The Omega Glory and/or Spock’s Brain.” To which I conceded, “Marginally, which is why it’s third on my least favorite.” This is one of those reactions where I see your reaction, your expressions, I hear your comments and post-episode thoughts, and after it’s all said and done, I say, “I don’t think I can improve on that.” I will say that I did very much appreciate your comparing the Kirk “romance” plots to the plots like last week where Spock had the genuine connection with the Romulan Commander, and how the Spock plot worked whereas the Kirk “romance” plots, The City on the Edge of Forever being perhaps the sole exception, fall flat, and why that is the case. To add a few things, concerning your question about the logistics of would the crew’s actions be in violation of the Prime Directive or not. I would assume the train of thought is that the asteroid would wipe out life on the planet, thus, the Enterprise is operating under the goal of preservation of life. I might be wrong on that, but that’s my surmise as to the logic employed. You are correct, however, that the episode is not entirely clear on the matter. I will second how you were saying that you wished that the Spock and Bones storyline was the main focus of the episode. Like you said, “Now why wasn’t THIS the whole episode?!?” I heavily related to Spock foregoing food and sleeping whilst trying to solve the dilemma. I also related to his excuse to Bones when he said, “You prescribed rest.” If I were Spock, I would have added, “Besides which, Doctor, you did not specify as to the precise duration of the rest you prescribed.” And unfortunately, yes, the actors playing the Native American characters are white, and it’s deeply uncomfortable. That was sadly common practice for the longest time in film and tv. Mind you, I'm not trying to excuse or justify the practice; I'm simply explaining that was the practice in the past, deeply unpleasant though it was. Though I know you say that you don’t desire to be negative in the post-episode thoughts, in this episode, I'd say the situation called for it. I do appreciate how you state that you don’t actively wish to go out of your way to be negative with your thoughts and comments. And that is one the best parts of your videos, Jess. You always strive to be positive, and in the times where something bothers you enough that your opinions lean towards the negative, it rings all the more true. Or perhaps a better way of putting it is you are always genuine, and your authenticity is very much treasured, and I thank you for it, Jess. Despite my opinion of the episode, this reaction was great. Thank you.


This was actually one of the season's more popular episodes at the time, but it's since becomes perhaps the single most hated part of the original series with the racism that's aged horribly.

Dave Hampton

I am still watching these for the first time along with you. Seeing the thumbnail and reading the comments I think I am going to wait to watch this one. I had a long day at work and going to need something more pick me up. I will watch it soon though just to see your reaction.