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Clone Wars 7x07/7x08 Full Reaction

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This story starts strong, but kind of falls apart here. The biggest problem is that the third episode is very much a stereotypical “Doctor Who third episode,” using a lot of running and jumping to give the illusion of forward movement, when in fact Ahsoka and the Martezes end up in the exact position they were at the start and you might as well just skip it. It’s also just baffling that after the second episode went to so much trouble to portray Trace as a perpetual screwup who never thinks things through, now she’s suddenly perfectly competent. It all just reeks of having to rush to establish these characters for a spin-off that didn’t happen anyway.

Thomas Corp

Again, though not the strongest arc of the show, it is still an enjoyable one. I'm loving the fact that you enjoyed the Martez sisters, Rafa especially. Yeah, a major highlight is the sisters' backstory, and how the Jedi handled the aftermath of what happened to their parents. Like I said on youtube, I loved the look on your face when you recognized Darth Maul’s voice. Of course, as you mentioned, it wasn’t terribly difficult to surmise that Maul was behind the Pykes given his known association with them. There's also the fact that Sam Witwer’s voice as Maul has become as iconic as Ian McDiarmid, James Earl Jones, and Sir Christopher Lee as the Emperor, Darth Vader, and Count Dooku respectively. Nevertheless, I liked the fact that you were very proud of yourself for being right about Maul. Also, concerning how Bo-Katan wants to fuck Maul’s shit up. Much as I love Darth Maul, considering what he did to Satine, I am fully supportive of your wanting Bo-Katan to cut Darth Maul in half, only I would add that she might wish to do it vertically. There is the problem, however, that if she wishes to claim the Darksaber, she’ll have to defeat Darth Sidious in single combat seeing as he presently has claim to the blade. And considering the unlimited power that Sidious has at his disposal, I don’t see that going well for Bo-Katan, should such a fight transpire. Only two complaints with the arc are one, the third episode felt somewhat filler. You brought up that it felt very Classic Who, and I see Ryan compared it to a third episode of Who. In response to that, I say, “Yeah. That's true. That's a valid criticism.” The other primary complaint is that Ahsoka trusts Bo-Katan relatively quickly considering the last time the two crossed paths, Bo-Katan was terrorizing the one village. Mind you, it’s not necessarily a major hindrance as I can excuse it by way of say upon his return from Mandalore, Obi-Wan shared the information of Bo-Katan's helping him escape, hence Ahsoka’s lack of distrust and/or animosity towards Bo-Katan. These were most enjoyable reactions to this arc, Jess. Thank you.


Haha, the Martez sisters are the worst - in the best possible way! Two dopey kids getting caught up in all sorts of shenanigans, but they are quite resourceful and clearly are good eggs. And Ahsoka is rubbing off on them as much as they are on her. The arguing is indeed a bit repetitive though, which is a weakness of this arc. Good call on the Maul shout, got it in one! And yes, we all love Ahsoka! :D And oh yes, there is a lot going to happen with Ahsoka and Bo-Katan's mission! Its nice what the sisters say to Ahsoka though, that she is what the Jedi are meant to be. Ahsoka has been through a lot with the Order, but at the end of the day, the skills and caring traits she has, can help people, and thats what the Martez sisters remind her thats what she is, with or without the Jedi Order. She realises her gifts were given to her for a reason, and she can use those gifts to help others, as a true Jedi should.


Yes the last time we saw Bo-Katan (and Maul for that matter), she was saving Obi-Wan's life, so he would have relayed that info in a report back at the Temple, which Ahsoka would have read; so at least knows Bo isn't what she first appeared to be. I'd love to get into the Darksabre stuff, though its a bit early for all that, and would make a more valid discussion later.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, like you say, Ahsoka would have likely read and/or heard Obi-Wan's report. My nitpick is more that it’s never brought up, even in a quick throwaway line. The Darksaber does have quite the journey.

Thomas Corp

One can say what they will about the Martez sisters, I agree with you that in the sticky situation they found themselves in in this arc, they handled themselves fairly well all things considered. Fair point on the somewhat repetitive arguing. It is such a sweet moment when Rafa has that line to Ahsoka about how Ahsoka is like how Rafa would want the Jedi to be.


You can definitely see what their spinoff show would have been like, with the early days of the Rebel Alliance seen through the eyes of these two misfit nobodies. I do kind of hope we get it at some point.