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Star Trek 3x02 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Don’t worry too much about the lost reaction. I watched the episode again myself, and have reaffirmed that it’s next to The Omega Glory, that’s the episode of Kirk reading the constitution, for being my least favorite episode. You mention how a majority of the lost reaction was mostly just your saying stuff like, “...The fuck?” That’s a shared sentiment, and probably every Trekkie had the same reaction with that episode. I'm told the Trekkies have made a drinking game with that episode. Don’t know how fun it would be. I highly doubt it would do one’s liver any favors, though. Also, yeah, Scotty’s new look is a tad jarring, and it does take some getting used to. Now onto this episode. So, I've said Amok Time is my favorite Spock episode, and one of my three favorites of the series. Journey to Babel came in at a close second for Spock episodes. This episode, The Enterprise Incident is a close third and completes my trifecta of favorite Spock-centric episodes. Leonard Nimoy shined brightly in this episode. Like you observed, Spock was one smooth operator this episode. I'm most pleased to see that you quite enjoyed the Romulan Commander, as yes, she was a great character. Joanne Linville was most excellent as the Romulan Commander. When Joanne died in June of 2021, all the news articles made a point to bring up her work in this episode, it was that good. The character is most certainly one of my favorite antagonists of the original series. Like yourself, I quickly surmised that there was more to Kirk’s actions at the beginning of the episode. Even by Shatner’s usual standards of being hammy, it seemed more overt without any readily apparent justification, thus one questions if there’s a plan-a-brewing. Consequently, when the plan is revealed, and you realize Kirk wasn’t being a cranky-crankerson as you put it, you’re not exactly surprised, but it all makes sense. I don’t blame you for being unprepared for Kirk’s Romulan look. Spock’s right, it was not an aesthetically agreeable look on Kirk. Now to talk about the scenes between Spock and the Romulan Commander, yes, those scenes were superb, particularly because the connection between the two characters felt natural and organic, unlike some past Star Trek scenes of a similar nature. Leonard and Joanne had impeccable chemistry in those scenes. It is a highlight you observed of the Commander is very much in tune with her sexuality, without being gratuitous or blatant about it. I feel sorry for her as well when Spock’s subterfuge is brought to light. I love how Spock doesn’t bat an eyelash when she slaps him for it. If I were I in his place in that moment, I’d have said in response to the slap, “Logical.” It’s likewise a great scene where Spock admits that there was in fact a genuine attraction to the Commander that sadly, he cannot act on as his loyalty to Kirk and the Federation comes first. Those final scenes, Leonard superbly showcases through minimal expression that, though he never lets on about it all that much, he is a deeply lonely man, and on some level the events of the episode have broken his heart. All of it just resonates on a deep visceral level for me. I am so happy to see you enjoyed this episode, and I loved your reaction to it. Thank you for this superb reaction, Jess, it was so great.


Season 3 had a new show runner, and you've probably noticed it took a distinctly campier turn that the fans despised, and they tend to call it "the turd season" (rhyming with third). There's even a legend that Gene Coon (who wrote several classics in the first two seasons) deliberately wrote Spock's Brain as a terrible story to represent his worries for what the show would become, and the joke was on him as they actually made it.


I think you would really like the Orville, its a si-fi comedy show inspired by star trek