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Classic Who "The Android Invasion" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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Thanks for another great reaction for what is to me, a fascinating story. Kind of reminds me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Ok, that said, I wanted to mention something. I know you don't like spoilers and I've pledged never to mention anything about what's coming up. I will stick to that. However, what about Anti spoilers? What I mean by this is talking about something that may never happen again. If the answer is no, then I guess stop reading now. If yes, read on. In view of your comments when Liz unexpectedly left the show of 'I wish someone had told me' as I'm sure you wanted to say a few words about her. Well. . . No more Harry and no more Benton, save for the actors appearences at conventions. Something you may well wish to know is that in the 1990's after the cancellation of classic Who, there was a whole raft of made for video/DVD Spin-offs made by independant companies. The best way to describe them was Doctor Who without the Doctor. I still have a few of them. One of which was something called Wartime, which, yes, focussed on Benton as the main character and took a really deep look at his character. Bad news though, I cannot find this anywhere, save for a Youtube clip. You may have better luck if its something you wish to check out. See you next time!

Owen Wildish

Remember in The Chase, where the Daleks made an android of the 1st Doctor..?