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The Walking Dead 11x23 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

I’m going to start by addressing your observations about Dog. I don’t recall Dog putting in an appearance as of late; I have been noticing that. Therefore, yes, the question as to the status and whereabouts of Dog is one of the more paramount concerns going into the finale. Like I mentioned on youtube, I had a most emotional time with this episode. Plenty of scenes got to me. For instance, the scene with Ezekial and Negan. Yeah, like you mentioned, there have been a fair number of scenes with Ezekial and Negan. All of them have been great, and this week was no exception. Negan gave one of two lines that resonated very deeply with me in this episode. The line being, “You all are better than me. And if you think I don't know that, then you haven't been paying attention.” Judith provided the other line that I felt on such a visceral level, which was when she’s reminiscing about her parents, and she says, “I wish I had more time with him. I wish we had more time to just remember them.” I shared your reaction to Lydia getting bit. And, yeah, as you summarized in the post-episode thoughts, given everything that Lydia has endured, Aaron saying to her that she is so loved, that hits you right in the heart. I knew you weren’t going to like the meaningful goodbye between Aaron and Jerry. Great to see Mercer doing what he can. The big moment of Judith getting shot by Pamela was a shock and a half. The only reason I didn’t cry whilst seeing it was because of just pure shock. It says something that although Pamela is the one who shot Judith, even she’s shocked by it. Of course, like you said, and I agree with you, it doesn’t lend any sympathy to Pamela, particularly since her first reaction is to blame everyone but herself. I’m at the point where I don’t care who kills her just so long as somebody kills her. I even want to leap through the screen and address all of the characters who are opposed to Pamela by saying in my best impression of James Earl Jones as Darth Vader, “There will be a substantial reward for the one who ends Pamela’s life. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want her dead. Disintegration is permissible.” I believe that Judith will survive, for three reasons. First, like you said, it would be insanely dark for the show to kill Judith. Second, if the show was going to do so, they would have been less ambiguous about it in the final scene of this episode. Which leads to my third reason in that because of the lack of confirmation of Judith dying, when I saw the episode, in my head, I could hear my dad saying as he often did with shows and/or films, “They didn’t show us the death.” So, I'm choosing to believe that Judith will live. To comment on you getting a laugh over Negan’s saying, “What the fuck?!” in relation to the walkers climbing, I too got a laugh from that line, if for no other reason than how improbably well delivered the line was. I agree with everything you said about how there is something great about the characters who haven’t given in to bitterness and despair, and how it’s taken a great deal of strength for them to have not given in. It’s like I said a few weeks ago, the whole episode gets me emotional, but it’s not until I see your reaction that I start crying. I seem to be saving my tears so that I can share them with you. In terms of the anticipation of the finale being emotional, I find that I am sharing the anticipation. I mentioned on youtube that I don’t think that I am emotionally prepared for it. Even so, as I promised, I'm standing by you until the end. I admit I'm scared to the point I'm quoting Clara Oswald’s last words, “Let me be brave.” I share your prediction of there will be plenty of cheers and cries whilst viewing the finale. I’ll be sharing those cheers and cries with you, Jess.