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House of the Dragon 1x05 Full Reaction

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Dave Hampton

I have no idea what spoiler you were talking about at the end so thank you for keeping it vague. I have not read the books and have almost no idea what is coming (a little bit from just talk about the show/casting... in pop culture). If it helps to ruin what this person was trying to do with spoiling you I think the book is written as an unreliable narrative so what ever happened in the book may or may not happen in the show.


The book is written as an in-universe history book working off three very different witness accounts. So a lot of people have taken to viewing the show as the "true" version.

Thomas Corp

Messiness, messiness, messiness, that’s what this show has chosen. I’ll split this comment into two as there is a lot to say. Yeah, it kicked up a notch this week. Start with Viserys, yeah, he has been proving interesting in his weariness of everything that’s been going on. Paddy Considine has been doing a great job with his portrayal. I’ve heard the character has been described as very Lear, which is most apt. I too would like to see more of Rhaenys. That scene with Daemon and his now late wife was a startling scene. I’m with you on the brief moment we had with Daemon’s wife, I liked her. She seemed a nice lady. And as you say, we can really like a character even though we may not have seen much of them. Certain Star Wars characters prove that conclusively. “Like” is very much a strong word when it pertains to Daemon. I am however living for Matt Smith’s completely batshit performance, if nothing else. The situation that Rhaenyra and Criston find themselves in, I find that I share your discomfort during their one scene on the ship, and I hold them equally at fault for how messy the situation was, as well as that they both weren’t on the same wavelength. Though as you observed Rhaenyra is focused on becoming queen and thus isn’t as focused on other matters. I did roll my eyes when she proclaimed, “I am the crown” and subsequently did a Charles Dance impression by saying, “Any girl who must say “I am the crown” is no true crown” There’s also the fact that she keeps making goo-goo eyes at Daemon, which makes me wonder if even she knows what she actually wants or is after. Criston is reminding me of how Jaime described it in that you swear so many pledges and oaths, at some point your bound to break one of them to stand by another. In Criston’s case, he’s sworn to celibacy, he’s sworn to protect the Rhaenyra, protect her virtue, and of course, he’s sworn to obey Rhaenyra and do whatever she commands asks of him. You comment on how the arrangement that Rhaenyra and Laenor had is practically ruined. I wouldn’t doubt it, considering how we literally saw inside the one guy’s head. Now onto Alicent, I love the scene of her and Otto at the beginning of the episode. Emily Carey did such a fantastic job with that scene, the scene where she learns about the moon tea from the sneaky shady man that makes Grima Wormtongue look subtle by comparison, and especially the scene where Criston confesses to his transgressions. The look of betrayal in Alicent’s expression was insanely good acting on Emily’s part. And then there was her big moment of making the entrance at the feast in that gorgeous green dress. I mean, I’m a sucker for green. Dark green, especially the kind of dark green that was the color of Steve McQueen’s mustang in Bullitt is my favorite color, so, admittedly, I am a touch biased. And even if I wasn’t, that dress was amazing, and made one HELL of a statement, which gave me so much life. And then there was the bone-chilling look Alicent gave to Rhaenyra that said, “You broke my heart. You BROKE my heart!” The fight at the end, I had a similar brief moment of confusion, and said, “What's all the hoo-ha?” before it was made clear what was transpiring. Best guess as to Criston’s actions on that would be all the stress, guilt, anxiety, and paranoia had reached its peak, and then the one guy (blanking on the name) letting Criston know that he knew Criston’s secret was the wafer-thin mint that was the tipping point. The last shot with the rat pulled me out of the episode. I even said, “Jesus Christ that rat looked faker and was even more on the nose than the rat at the end of The Departed! I didn’t think that was even possible!” Also brought to mind when they poked fun of The Departed on The Simpsons by saying, “The rat symbolizes obviousness.” All in all, this was a great episode, a terrific reaction, and even better post-episode thoughts. And no worries about the thunderbolts and lightning. They actually kind of added to the ambience as it were.

Thomas Corp

Now, as to what you discussed in the latter portion of your post-episode thoughts. That does not sound fun in the slightest what you said of how you received the message that you received. As someone who has no knowledge of the books and by extension, the characters in this show’s portrayal in the books, I do appreciate that you were vague as to what precisely was said to you. I personally think it’s highly ridiculous that someone would be so critical of you for “Not understanding” how a character is and/or why they behave or act in certain way. Media is in and of itself inherently subjective, ergo, everyone’s going to take away something different. To talk about the statements that you make about how some people watch either your videos or other people’s reaction videos because they wish to see their own views and opinions reflected back upon them. Now, speaking for myself, I’ll freely admit that it doesn’t hurt when your opinions and my opinions on something are near identical, and it is in fact highly pleasant when that happens. It is not however the reason I watch your content. To use Star Wars as an example, my favorite character both of the franchise and of fiction is Palpatine/Darth Sidious. I went into your Star Wars reactions knowing that it was highly likely you weren’t going to have the same level of fondness and/or adoration of the character that I do, and I was fine with that. And yeah, very few people on the planet would match that bar, ok, fine it’s a near impossible standard to reach, but still, you see my point. I watch your videos to see your wonderful reactions, hear your thoughts and opinions, and just in general what you have to say. If it’s the same as how I think or feel, as I say that’s an added bonus at times, and when it’s not, I still value what you have to say, and I respect your honesty. Your statements also remind me that it’s probably a very good idea for me to not start a channel of my own, particularly when considering my predilection for being a lover of villains, as I would probably get so much shit thrown my way for that. It’s actually more annoying when sometimes I express fondness for heroes and it’s not for “the right heroes”. To use an example, the Twelfth Doctor is my Doctor on Doctor Who, and I’ve gotten complaints, criticisms, and/or people have made it known to me that they are flabbergasted and chagrined that the Tenth Doctor is not my favorite, and they question how I could possibly consider the “old guy” (other people’s words, not mine) my favorite Doctor. Or even with the Game of Thrones fandom, I've been told off by people for not being overly fond of the Targaryens. Or to again use Star Wars as an example, people have gotten mad at me for not loving Obi-Wan as much as basically everyone else does. I never say I don’t love Obi-Wan, yet I still get hate for not loving him as much as everyone else. Whenever it happens, it leads me to shake my head and say, “There’s just no pleasing some people.” Anyway, I am sorry to hear you had the unpleasant message sent your way. Hopefully it will not happen again. Might be a vain hope, but I hope it, nonetheless. Again, your reaction was most excellent. It is of course not a problem with the delay of the reactions to this show. You enjoy your vacation. Your videos are always worth the wait, and always exceed my expectations. I hope you have a terrific time on your vacation. Take care, Jess.