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Clone Wars 6x05/6x06 Full Reaction

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While it's never explicitly stated, I like to think that seeing the Jedi Council so unhesitatingly throwing Ahsoka under the bus and then trying to claim it was the "will of the Force" when they turned out to be wrong plays a big role in Anakin's short fuse, which does a great job tying his arc even tighter to where it will end up in Revenge of the Sith.

Thomas Corp

As I understand it, this arc was originally intended to be earlier than it was, hence why we have Ian Abercrombie voicing Palpatine/Darth Sidious as he would have recorded his dialogue for this prior to The Lawless, which was his final episode. As to the episodes, in fairness, to my knowledge no one particularly likes Clovis much, so I wouldn’t worry about if your opinion was popular or not. Still, it is as you say it is intriguing to see where his character lands as you put it. You being as skeptical of Clovis as you were, that gave me so much life. You raise a valid point in that given how Clovis acts around Padmé, Anakin’s anger at least makes sense even if one doesn’t agree with how he handles the situation. I laughed so hard when it’s said that Padmé and Clovis went to the opera together, and I’m just thinking that you KNOW Palpatine gave them tickets for that. Or better yet, gave them his own private viewing box for the evening free of charge. I loved how you sounded very much like a chaperone when Padmé and Clovis were alone together. I had a moment or two where I said, “You sir, are too handsy.” as well. Yeah, Clovis challenging Anakin Skywalker to a fight is a special kind of stupid. It is scary how there’s a good chance Anakin would have killed him had he not come to his senses. During my rewatch of this, because the movie Shutter Island has been on tv a lot over the last year and I’ve often put it on, there’s a piece of dialogue from that that sprang to mind. It concerned the subject of being deserving of killing, and Max Von Sydow’s character says, “For what, hmm? Provoking you? Well, forgive me. What doesn't provoke you? Remarks? Words?... And, of course, memories, dreams. Did you know that the word trauma comes from the Greek for wound? And what is the German word for dream? “Traum. Ein Traum.” Wounds can create monsters, and you... You are wounded.” Despite the fact that one is meant to be shocked at Anakin’s actions, I will agree with you that it was quite satisfying seeing his fight with Clovis. It’s both a sad moment and an understandable moment when Padmé tells Anakin they should stay away from each other and not see each other for a while. A good idea, though, if I have my math right, there may be a tiny something that may cut their time apart short. Well, two tiny somethings, in point of fact, but they wouldn’t know that. A fun reaction to these episodes, Jess, thank you.

Thomas Corp

I would add he’s still reeling from what happened with Fives. But yeah, Anakin’s definitely stewing over the whole kerfluffle of the Jedi council’s treatment of Ahsoka, and her subsequent departure from the Jedi Order, hence his fuse being on the shorter side.


If only he listened to his teachings and Obi-Wan and he wouldn't have those issues. I have no sympathy at all for him, especially in this arc where we see his possessive nature come out and heavy hints of Vader bubbling under the surface. All well done of course, and he has been disillusioned by the High Council, but if he had the guts he would have walked away with Ahsoka - she had the courage he never did and showed by choosing the hard decisions, she was a much greater Jedi than he could ever hope to be. Anakin is lying to everyone, especially himself.


Yeah your worst and best Clone Wars post-reaction Jess, was in the first few episodes of the Mortis arc, where you basically spent 10 minutes muttering about what the hell that was all about! We all did when we first saw it though, so it was fun to see you bamboozled like we all were! :D Quite heavy topics for children to follow in this story, but to give Lucas his due, he never dumbed down things for kids, as he thought they'd get it. I mean issues around banking liquidity and loans is not going to get the kids to sit up and take notice - so thats why they threw in the chase scene with Embo being awesome sliding on his hat, and his doggy (wolf I should say, Filoni and his damn wolves! :P ). This all shows however the corruption going on in the war and how the Sith are playing everyone off each other in order to gain even more power. As for Anakin and Padme; well this is why I can never get on board with Anakin. Not just his unwillingness to listen to Obi-Wan and his Jedi teachings, but we see what happens due to his possessive 'love', when it is superficially threatened, he goes not just off the deep end, but straight up psychotic. This series does do a terrific job of building him up though, as we see how he was managing his emotions slightly better in the earlier seasons, but now after everything with his problems with the order, and now losing Ahsoka, and him achieving quick results with using the dark side to 'protect' his inner circle, we are seeing that his angry side is now beginning to dominate his compassionate side.