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Star Wars: The Clone Wars #71- 6x03/6x04 "Fugitive"/"Orders" Reaction

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As great as Tim Curry always is, it's tragic that we never got to hear how Ian Abercrombie would have done with this more evil side of Palpatine after he did so well playing the nice public face.

Etagz 3

And the last domino falls ☹️

Thomas Corp

Much as I love Tim Curry, as well as the job he did in voicing Palpatine and Darth Sidious, I can’t help but agree. At the very least, we got at least the one occasion where Ian Abercrombie was able to really let loose as Sidious in the episode The Lawless.


We all love Tim Curry, but he's not the best Palpatine. As Sidious he is good as the over the top villain, but as the Chancellor, less so.

Thomas Corp

To be fair, the point when Tim Curry took over the role of Palpatine/Darth Sidious is at the point where Palpatine slowly but steadily starts to become less and less subtle as he’s so close to victory that even if he does lose, he’s already effectively won. It’s for this reason that Tim’s performance as Palpatine doesn’t bother me as it does other fans. That and it’s Tim Curry whom I just love to pieces.