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Clone Wars 6x03/6x04 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

I saw the thumbnail and said, “Yup. That's pretty much what I expected.” Since you say you’re trying to maintain not knowing the full scope of things for now, again, I'll try to be as vague as possible. Rather terrifying and in some ways wonderful to hear the dread words “Execute Order 66” said in this show. And to hear it in Tim Curry’s voice was particularly frightening, and again, wonderful. I like to think that alternate names proposed for Order 66 were the Red Wedding and the Snap, to which Darth Sidious presumably replied to both proposals by saying, “That's pretty good. But it's taken!” I also feel that I must confess myself to have been a trifle wicked with my coffee mug selection for this week and last week’s reactions as I had my coffee in my special Order 66 coffee mug. I know what you mean when you know that a character is likely doomed in their efforts to uncover plots and truths, yet you still hope beyond hope that somehow, they will succeed. Me, I have the same feeling. In my case, however, it’s a matter of wanting Fives to succeed versus my undying love for Palpatine and his schemes, and ultimately, my love for Palpatine wins out, and I’m not proud of it, at all. It doesn’t come as a great shock, after all, especially seeing as how Palpatine has been my all-time favorite character since the age of four. You’re more than welcome to ponder the rather fractious state of my morality, if you’d like. I love how Palpatine tips the balance back to being in his favor by telling Fives the truth. More specifically, he tells Fives the way, the terrible way, that the Sith will finally triumph over the Jedi. By extension, how he weaponizes the fact that he declares Fives to be insane and a renegade, thus any information Fives manages to impart would be dismissed as part of his insanity. Horrifying though Palpatine’s machinations are, they are quite mesmerizing to behold. Having said all of that, the scene where Fives is killed is a scene that just leaves one’s heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. Dee Bradley Baker’s acting both as Fives and Rex is nothing short of amazing. To respond to one or two other things you said, yeah history would have transpired much differently had Fives managed to get off a lucky shot. Of course, knowing how powerful Palpatine is, he quite likely would have been able to deflect said shot. It’s an amusing thought though. Also, you raise a valid point about Nala Se. I would imagine that the explanation she gave was primarily the reason why the Jedi didn’t question her actions all that much. Well, that and the Jedi are imbecilic shitheads who couldn’t find their own ass with both hands and a proctologist. This was once again a most superb reaction to The Clone Wars. I am so sorry that as of late, this show keeps breaking your heart, Jess, and I'm equally sorry to say that it’s only going to get worse.


The last of the Dominoes, have fallen. RIP Fives. Fives was never a favourite clone of mine, but his death hits so hard, when he came so close to uncovering the whole plot. He survived the second battle of Geonosis, the Citadel, the battle for Kamino, Umbara; yet in the end gets gunned down from one of his own, when he was right, and came the closest to uncovering Sidious's grand plan. Heartbreaking.

Thomas Corp

I’d say Fives is at or around top four favorite clones for me, he and Cody are roughly evenly ranked. And even if he wasn’t it’s as you say he goes through so much, survives so much like Geonosis and Umbara, and to then be unceremoniously gunned down by a fellow clone before he can be successful in uncovering the plot of the Sith is beyond heartbreaking. And yeah, I’m saying this as someone who’s all-time favorite character is Palpatine. Ok, fine, but still, that scene hurts something fierce.


I never liked Cody that much, not just for his scenes in ROTS but even in Clone Wars he didn't do much. Preferred Echo to Fives from Domino as well. Would need to think up a ranking of mine, though Rex tops the list by some distance, because he is just awesome. Would have Gregor in there, Crosshair, Hardcase, Echo as said, possibly Waxer and 99 also. If I could include the 2003 Clone Wars series, Fordo is an absolute legend. I do love a bit of Palpatine myself, probably prefer him over Vader and I'm of the OT generation. I also have a personal link to the actor who plays him, as he hails from a town not 10 miles away from me; so there is a touch of bias I suppose! Abercrombie played him superbly here also. Not fond of Witwer or Curry playing him so much.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, I do wish Cody had gotten greater focus on The Clone Wars, particularly in regard to his and Obi-Wan's working relationship. Rex is definitely number one in terms of favorite clones. 99 would be a very close second. Echo’s high up there as well. Beyond that would have to give it some more thought in terms of precise ranking, though I love all the other clones that you listed.