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House of the Dragon 1x04 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

“Shit Gets Messy” is I would say seems a most appropriate title for this episode. Everything you said in your post-episode thoughts made sense. Don't worry about that, Jess. I know what you mean in saying that it feels like your thoughts are somewhat scattered as that was my brain after watching this episode. Happens to me all the time when I see something where a lot of things happen, and my brain starts to work in at least six different directions all at once. Yeah, the “night out” between Daemon and Rhaenyra was deeply uncomfortable. Of course, the Targaryens are very much into incest to the point that Chinatown is starting to look tame by comparison, so it’s not as if it’s a tremendous surprise. Still, as I say the scene was deeply uncomfortable. The sex scene with Viserys and Alicent was similarly deeply uncomfortable. And both scenes were matched in discomfort with the scene with Rhaenyra and Criston. Criston’s thought process could be interpreted a few different ways. One thought I had was does he even think he’s even got the option of saying no. I’m with you on wanting clarification on whether he consented or not. I even said, “Ok, so is he ok with this or not? Because I need some clarification here before I’m comfortable with this. Consent goes both ways, after all.” And how is Criston going to react/feel once rumors inevitably spread like wildfire. Regarding Alicent, I too am enjoying her character quite a bit. You ask about Alicent and is she a kind person or a deceitful person, personally, I think she’s trying her best to be kind, and because of that, at least for the moment, she has my respect and admiration. Emily Carey’s doing a great job with her performance as the character. I agree with you on Matt Smith’s performance in that he’s been consistently excellent in portraying Daemon as decidedly mercurial and remarkably capricious to the point that it’s hard to fully gauge what he’s after. Regarding Otto, I've been loving him thus far. A lot of it is really loving Rhys Ifans doing a superb job in his portrayal. You raise the valid question of if his actions being influenced by pressure from his family. I’m sort of curious about that myself. You also stated that in the scene where Otto relayed the information about Rhaenyra and Daemon’s “night out” that it felt like he wasn’t scheming in that scene. And I agree with you on that. I got the impression that him telling Viserys what happened came across in a “Shit, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, man.” sort of way. Viserys stripping Otto of the title of Hand is sure to be immensely messy. I would not care to be in a lot of people’s shoes when the shit hits the fan following the inevitable fallout. I’m worried about what Alicent in particular will think, and how she’ll react. There’s also the question of who’s going to become Hand following Otto’s dismissal, and whether Rhaenyra particularly cares who takes over the position, or did she simply want Otto gone and doesn’t care who it is, so long as Otto is no longer Hand. Regarding your observations about Viserys and who did he ultimately believe about the rumors, I think he isn’t entirely sure one way or another. And judging by the fact that he had, I believe moon tea is the official name for it, sent to Rhaenyra, he’s likely covering all his bases by not taking any chances. This reaction is another one of those times when great though your reaction is, your post-episode thoughts were even better. I’m looking forward to future episodes for more of your excellent insights. I have no doubt that they will continue to be great.

Jenny Chalek

So this episode is super relatable as a woman - the idea of not being able to control your future being the worst nightmare. I get so angry thinking of all the wasted potential of women who were forced to do nothing but breed. Anyway, great reaction. Hope you are feeling better from COVID.