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Star Trek 2x23 Full Reaction

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Shatner has been very open about how much he hated this script, and thus it has some of his most fun hamminess as he so visibly does not give a crap about what he's saying (and being Canadian probably didn't help his attachment to the material either). And if you're wondering if this kind of thing was received better back in the '60s, there are numerous accounts from OG fans about how ridiculous they thought it was right from the moment they saw it.

Dave Hampton

Unless I missed it too (and the reviewer I looked up after missed it too) you did not miss anything. This episode is just that weird. It is also the lowest ranked episode of season 2 on IMDB. I know the original series had some good stuff in it, but it has some bad stuff too. There is more I could say about this episode and your reaction/review, but I hold off for now. Maybe I will ask about it in the monthly chat.


And if you can believe it, out of all the fantastic episodes this season, this is the one Roddenberry submitted to the Emmy Awards.

Thomas Corp

I’m holding off on saying this is my least favorite episode as I'm waiting to revisit at least two episodes, more specifically from the third season before I make my final pick, but this would definitely be in the bottom five for me. I mean it started out promising enough, the initial premise was intriguing, then it nose-dived into horridness bad enough that I actually started crying over how bad it was. One part that I really lost it was when there’s the demonic illustration bearing an uncanny resemblance to Spock, to which I paused and started yelling, “Oh, goddamn it!! Fuck’s sake, this is terrible!!” I’ve heard that many who worked on the episode didn’t care for it much. Shatner I'm told gave up and just hammed it up as a way to convey his distaste for the script for this episode. Said hamming it up being particularly prominent when Kirk read the constitution, complete with the ironic subtext of Shatner being Canadian. (Which as Ryan posited probably fueled Shatner’s lack of attachment to the material.) One notable exception to the consensus view of the episode being bad was Gene Roddenberry. Upon its initial release Roddenberry was evidently very fond of it, though as the years went by, his opinions of the episode soured. I’ve been told that one could argue that this episode, or at least the latter portion of the episode could still work if viewed through a lens of being a critique at how harmful and dangerous jingoism and nationalism can be, particularly when unchecked, and/or when one has bind adherence to those ideals. I’m even trying to apply that perception to this episode, and though I can see how that point of view could go aways in improving enjoyment of the episode, even then, it still doesn’t work for me, largely because the execution is still atrocious. There’s also my usual mentality at times where I try to view something through the lens of when it was made, and even for the sixties, this still comes across as heavy handed as shit. In terms of the episode itself, I don’t think you missed anything. I did look up a summary/behind the scenes information on the episode. Apparently, there was a line or two that would have explained the situation slightly better, but the lines were cut as they contradicted the previously established timeline of the series. Therefore, in answer to your questions of how in pluperfect fuck did this civilization become the way they were, my response to that is, “Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.” I will say I loved all of your post-episode thoughts and comments. You mentioned about how you felt uncomfortable with the certain aspects of the episode that you brought up. I’m wary of commenting more in detail because I’ll likely say something wrong, however I share your opinion of feeling uncomfortable with the episode. Likewise, you stated that you felt personally attacked, which that’s me as well. Regarding the sirens that were going off early in the reaction, that wasn’t a bother. It actually took a second to realize that the sound of the sirens were part of the reaction, as I was saying, “The hell’s going on out... Oh, that’s happening where Jess is. Jeez, that sounds like it’s serious.” In spite of my far less than favorable opinion of this episode, your reaction to it was most excellent, and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you, Jess.

Josef Schiltz

Don't honestly know whether to laugh or cry at this one. Gene! Seriously?

Thomas Corp

The cry option seems the more agreeable to me as this one was bad.

Josef Schiltz

Cry and cringe. I'm usually amenable to anything Star Trek - although I haven't seen any of the latest options at all, but widely heard about them - but this one is almost the worst!

Thomas Corp

I’m also behind on seeing new Trek material myself. But it’s very much as you said in that though I’m usually great with most anything Star Trek, this episode was heavy cry and cringe, and is easily one of the worst at least of the original series if not the overall franchise.