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She-Hulk 1x03 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

There really wouldn’t have been a problem if the reaction to this episode was delayed. Nonetheless, I was up a little bit earlier than usual before work to see it, both so I'd be ready if there would be the reaction today, and so I wouldn’t fall behind. Admittedly, part of my being up earlier was due to insomnia. Had to have a little extra coffee this morning. Also took a page from your book and matched the coffee mug with the show as I had my “Thanos Was Right” coffee mug this morning. As to the episode, and the show in general thus far, it has been quite fun and enjoyable. I like how when Jen accused Emil of lying to her about him never turning into Abomination anymore, Emil pointed out what I even caught last week in that he said that he chooses not to become Abomination, not that he never does so anymore. Loved both his parole hearing and seeing Wong again. You’re right in that it might be too soon to call Emil likeable, and even if he’s not, Tim Roth is brilliant in the role. Regarding the B plot of the episode, I’m just flabbergasted by this Bukowski guy being deluded enough to think he was dating Megan Thee Stallion. And yeah, I'm saying this as someone who physically has no idea who Megan Thee Stallion, so perhaps I'm not in any position to judge. Ok, fine, but still, that’s a special level of deluded. It was interesting though how Bukowski did have a case. I may not like him, at all, but he did legally have a case as the elf’s actions did technically constitute as fraud and probably some form of identity theft. Love how, I believe yes, his name was Pug, wins the case by having Jen on the stand and unequivocally state under oath that Bukowski fits to a T how it’s described in Nine to Five, which was that he is a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot” Well, perhaps not the bigot part, but everything else applies. It is a great bit about the news narrative of She-Hulk and as both Nikki and even Emil points out to Jen, it’s going to be there whether she likes it or not, so she might as well get ahead of it and steer it as best she can. I’m glad to hear you’re at least better enough to film, though it is rotten to hear the lingering effects of covid are still giving you trouble. My mom’s though overall better from covid still dealing with the lingering effects some. Some days are better than others. Myself, I didn’t get anything too bad, lingering effects-wise, though I still have intermittently a pretty bad cough, so I empathize with you saying that you’re having to contend with the lingering effects of covid. Again, I wish you a most speedy recovery, Jess. Take care.


I pretty sure at least some of those social media posts are directly taken from what people said when this show was announced.