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Dumbo (2019)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.



Keep in mind that this was the exact same time that Disney swallowed Fox. So that's the company making this movie lecturing us that business mergers are bad.


Danny DeVito himself pointed out that he and Tim Burton now have a Circus Trilogy, with Batman Returns, Big Fish, and this film.


This one I saw in the theater when it came out. A good friend of mine’s birthday is a week before mine, and we often try to get together somewhere in between and/or around our birthdays, grab some dinner, catch a movie, or just spend time with each other. This came out around the time when our birthdays are and seeing as my friend and I are both big Tim Burton fans, it seemed a good pick, so we went to see it, and quite enjoyed it. Watching it again for your reaction, I find that my initial opinion still stands in that I thought this was quite a sweet film. There was a lot of heart to it. Do I think it’s as good as the original film? No. Do I think it’s Tim Burton’s best work? No, because that’s Ed Wood, but as I say, I thought the film was very sweet, and much better than the negative reception that you said you heard would suggest. Michael Keaton stole the show for me with his hamming it up in the villainous capacity. Likewise, Danny Devito was quite the scene stealer in this. I could have used a lot more of Alan Arkin in this, though I was just happy to see him. Pleasantly surprised when I saw that Roshan Seth was in this, though I recognize you didn’t like his character due to the whole having a snake situation. Funny thing about the snake was that when I first saw this in the theater, the second that I saw the snake, you instantly were on my mind and continued to be so every time the snake appeared on-screen. At around the third time the snake showed up, I even started to hear you yelling, “FUCK OFF WITH THE SNAKE!!!” clear as a bell in my head. Now finally seeing your reaction, I’m having a small laugh saying to myself, “Yeah, that’s what I figured your reaction would be like.” Alas, tis a shame Dumbo didn’t get drunk in this version, but at least we got a little homage to Pink Elephants on Parade which is my favorite song from the original film. I hear you on Baby Mine being a guaranteed to make you cry type song. You’re not alone in the crying in this movie. When my friend and I saw it in the theater, we both got plenty emotional, and there were tears shed. I’m quite happy to see that you enjoyed this film. I stand with your opinion of really enjoying it. Thank you so very much for this very sweet, and very lovely reaction, Jess.