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House of the Dragon 1×01 Full Reaction

Full Reaction You are now able to stream the full reaction directly from this website. Alternatively, you can download it to your computer using the button underneath the video player. You must provide your own footage to watch alongside the full reactions. Part 1


Jenny Chalek

OMG I'm so happy I'm going to have you to watch this with!!

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry this triggered you so badly! I get it, certain situations make me faint too. There's nothing you can really do.

Jenny Chalek

I do think the Hand sending his daughter to "comfort" the king was about a 10 on the creepy scale. He even encouraged her to wear one of her mother's dresses, to appear to be more his age, I imagine? I think the intent was clear, and creepy.

Thomas Corp

Definitely, a solid start to this show. I also avoided trailers for this so I could go in fresh. In addition, I kept myself in the dark about the characters going into this. I knew who some of the cast would be prior to seeing the premiere. It would appear that Rhaenyra will be the primary focal character. I’m still working on my precise opinion of the character, and I'm not familiar with Emma D’Arcy, though as I understand it, they are an up-and-coming talent. Going by this episode alone, I’m liking their performance well enough. I suspect King Viserys will be the Ned Stark/Robert Baratheon of the show which will be a shame if that’s the case as Paddy Considine is quite an underappreciated talent. Rhys Ifans as, I believe it was Otto Hightower might be my favorite thus far. I like how he feels quite like a Walsingham type character and is fairly enigmatical in nature. It feels like him sending his daughter to “comfort” the king is along the lines of what Jenny commented and had a creepy vibe. Surprised to see Bill Paterson and Graham McTavish. I hope they have substantial roles, if not, I'm just happy to see them in this. I agree with you on that I think I'll quite enjoy Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys. I hope I have the names right. A big draw, both for the show and for your reactions is Matt Smith. Seeing Matt as Daemon in this first episode has me thinking he’ll be in a Scar type of role with Rhaenyra being in Simba type role. Or if not, he certainly strikes me as a highly mercurial character. Either way, we should have a lot of fun with his character. Had a feeling you’d comment on his armor. I saw it and said, “Wow! That is one crazy get-up you got there, fella.” Also figured that you’d comment on the horse scene. Your statements saying, “Was that necessary?” I was saying the same thing with the sex scenes and the nudity therein. I was so hoping we were done with the gratuitous and extraneous sex scenes in the Game of Thrones universe. Alas, they persist. The reveal about Aegon’s dream was intriguing. When King Viserys said that “And if the world of men is to survive a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark.” I had an ironic laugh, and said, “Unfortunately for you, history will not see it that way.” Like I said, a solid start, and I look forward to what’s to come. Regarding what you discussed at the end of the video, I too am a fairly hardened viewer when it comes to gore and/or scenes of a graphic nature in films and/or tv. Yet, with the scene in question that caused you discomfort, when I saw the scene in this episode, I was becoming quite nauseous myself, and as I was looking away from the screen, I was saying, “Ok. Yeah, you know what? I'm actually feeling my dinner backing up on me. I don’t think I need to see this scene.” You say that you don’t much care for openly discussing how such a scene triggers you, particularly because you say you feel weakness in doing so. I have a similar feeling when I more openly discuss my neuroses, anxieties, and my dealings with depression which often borders on severe. In my experience, it's the thing of you can’t properly explain why you feel a certain way, and it’s worse when you are fully aware that it’s a feeling that can be perceived as illogical. Thus, again at least in my experience with what I've gone through in life, it’s the admitting you don’t know what causes certain feelings, not knowing what to do about them, which then leads to a feeling of helplessness and uselessness. It’s never easy for me to talk about, and it is very helpful to hear you be brave enough that you’re able to speak of things of an emotionally difficult nature. You may not feel brave when you speak of such things, but it does make a difference, and I most appreciate your candor, Jess. And I'm not saying you have to share things if you aren’t wanting to. That’s entirely up to you if you wish to share with us what you wish to share. I greatly appreciated your reaction and post-episode thoughts. Thank you, Jess.


Also, her mother is the King's cousin. Remember the Targaryen wedding traditions...


Just as a correction, Emma D'Arcy isn't who plays Rhaenyra in this episode. Emma plays older Rhaenyra in future episodes, the actress who plays Rhaenyra in this episode is named Milly Alcock.

Paul Mason

Great reaction. Never worry about things you can't help. Totally understand that birth scene was too much. I agree about the Otto Hightower/Alicent scene where he sends her to "comfort" the king. I think the implication was clear. He clearly wanted to get close to the line of succession through his daughter. Very conniving and creepy. But I had to laugh the way she interpreted that was to take the king a book! You said you think Rhaenys and Corlys Velayrion will be favourites and I think I agree. I love Eve Best from other things anyway and I am getting strong Olenna Tyrell vibes off her. And some of Corlys' comments in the council make me think this is a couple who say what they think and don't give a fuck, which should be fun!

Thomas Corp

Oh. Well, that’s a little embarrassing. My mistake. Then I'll say that in this episode that concerning Milly Alcock, I thought she did a nice job as the young Rhaenyra, and that I look forward to seeing Emma D’Arcy in future episodes and what their performance will be like as the older version of the character.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, that bit with the book was unexpectedly humorous. I had a small laugh at that myself.

Dave Hampton

I was not going to watch this show or at least not until the first season was over and the reviews for the whole season were in (and favorable). The end of GoT left too bad of an impression on me. However, since you are reacting to it, I had to go on the journey with you. Currently HBO and Britbox have you to thank for my subscriptions (and Paramount can thank you for me buying the entire series of Star Trek TOS). Reactors generate money for the shows they react to, just saying. This episode was a solid start, and I am hopeful it will be a good series. Thank you to whoever was able to blur out the parts that were hard for you to watch. I am guessing Mark (Marc?), he is always helpful with the technical stuff for you but if it was someone else thank you to them.