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Star Trek 2x20 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Not an episode that I'm hugely nuts about, but still an enjoyable episode, nonetheless. I like that you were most appreciative of the matter of consent being more openly discussed in this episode. When rewatching this episode, I compared it to the previous episode featuring the Blooby-Blob that you had very strong words to say about that episode. I agree that it was refreshing that this episode was far clearer about the matter of consent. Still find the basic the basic concept unsettling, though I attribute that to being disturbed by the idea of being possessed and used as a meat-puppet. I already have to contend with a lot of voices in my head, therefore I would be highly reticent to let some outside presence be in the driver’s seat so to speak. The arguments Bones made in this episode were great. Yeah, you can tell Leonard Nimoy was having a great time hamming it up in a villainous capacity. And it was fairly creepy too. Not quite to the level of creepiness as Leonard’s villainous role on Columbo, (I highly recommend seeing that if you haven’t by the way) but it was creepy enough. I had a small laugh during the scenes of Kirk being possessed, and quipped, “William Shatner getting the chance to act as if he believes that he is a god... Yeah, nah. Too easy.” I’m with you on being so over the violin music. It happened this episode, I even said, “Is it really too much to ask for one episode without the goddamn violin music during the “romantic” scenes? Honestly.” Lovely to see Sulu again. My reaction to seeing him was similar to yours. I said, “Hey! Sulu’s back!! All right!!!” All in all, as I said, not one of my favorite episodes, but still good, and I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Jess.


I think Kirk's speech in the briefing room is my favorite Kirk Monologue of the entire series


Jess , impossible girl. ive messaged & emailed u - no answer?


The episode's writer John T. Dugan, a devout Catholic, reportedly had a HUGE fight with atheist Gene Roddenberry about how it should end. When he said the aliens' disembodied spirits would continue for eternity, he really meant it, but Roddenberry overruled him to have them just disappear. Dugan thus used a pseudonym for the credits.


Nimoy also had a great villain role in an adaptation of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

Thomas Corp

Haven’t seen that, but it sounds great. I’ll have to check it out.

Thomas Corp

Pretty sure I read that somewhere. I’d side a bit more with the writer on that, though I'd also probably have suggested a compromise of the ending being vague enough to allow different interpretations.


Impossible Girl... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzCghIPHFI0