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Clone Wars 5×17/5x18 Full Reaction

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This show's single greatest achievement is making it far more understandable how Anakin was so easily convinced to turn on the Jedi once Palpatine openly started talking to him about it. We've now spent several seasons watching him see the Council engaging in one moral compromise after another in the name of winning the war, and here it all culminates in them unhesitatingly throwing his own Padawan under the bus the second she becomes politically inconvenient. This naturally got some controversy with the show accused of going out of its way to make the Council jerks, but is it really that big a leap for people who regularly kidnap children to turn into soldiers?

Thomas Corp

Love the theme with the titles of these episodes of being Hitchcock titles. There are reasons, which I won’t go into now, that made rewatching this arc more emotional than it was upon its original broadcast nearly ten years ago now. There were even certain scenes and moments, and again, I'm not going to say which ones they were, that I had to pause because I was starting to cry too much. The whole mystery aspect of this arc is great. I’m with you in that though I do like how it turns out it was a Jedi behind the bombing of the temple, the idea that some random citizen of Coruscant being the culprit would have been an intriguing story in and of itself. Concerning how Letta says a motive of the mastermind is the belief that the Jedi are no longer what they are supposed to be. The real shame is that the Jedi have rarely if ever been what they should be. Not to say that they’ve never been what they aspire to be, just that those times have been few and far between, though admittedly the war has pushed the Jedi to the point that the order has become nothing more than a shadow of what it once was. A major highlight seeing how Tarkin has risen in the ranks. I very much love how the show stylizes Tarkin’s appearance to look like how Peter Cushing did around when he made The Curse of Frankenstein and Horror of Dracula. The show does a great job to reinforce the idea that inconceivable though it would be for a Jedi to have bombed the temple, there is precedence as Count Dooku was, and in some cases still is, one of the most revered Jedi, and still, he became the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. Or even in this show, as Anakin pointed out, there was the matter of the ex-Jedi piece of shit fuckface, Pong Krell. (Fuck him.) Very much a precarious predicament of Ahsoka being like the Mona Lisa getting framed, particularly the Morton’s fork situation of regardless of if she surrendered or not, the outcome will be rotten either way. Kind of like to think that after she got away that Anakin would have relayed the situation by saying, “Snips just did a Peter Pan right here off of this dam, right here!” Regarding some other things that you discussed. You are very welcome to keep bringing up the observation that the Jedi order is in desperate need of an in-house therapist, because if they did, it would have solved a copious amount of their problems. I imagine that working for the Jedi doesn’t provide a lot of bread. Considering how strict the Jedi are in dealing in absolutes about you can’t get married and have kids, I seriously doubt one would receive much in the way of take-home pay by working at the Jedi temple. You mentioned how any Jedi could have been framed, and I immediately thought it would be hilarious if there was an attempt to frame Yoda. I could imagine that if that happened that even Palpatine would be particularly stupefied, (whilst of course, simultaneously whipping up a shitload of buttery popcorn to enjoy the show) and say something like, “Wait! Whoever did this framed YODA?!?!? Oh, I’m looking forward to how they’re going to sell THIS to me!” The question you raised about force-choking, anyone who has the force has the capability to do it. One would of course have to practice becoming proficient at it, but if one has the force, it can be done, though it’s often associated with the Sith, and the Dark Side given its aggressive nature. You also raised a likely argument that would be used against Ahsoka in that simply because there’s no record of her ever using the force-choke before, there’s no evidence proving she hasn’t in the past, nor that she’s incapable of doing so. Great reaction to the first half of this arc, Jess. Can’t wait for next week.

Thomas Corp

That was always one of my favorite aspects of the novelization of Revenge of the Sith that it delved into more of Anakin’s mental state, and why he made the decisions that he did. Naturally, when that becomes as major part of The Clone Wars as it did, I loved every last bit of it. And yeah, regarding the council’s actions, it really isn’t much of a leap considering the order’s longstanding predilection for doing some highly shady shit over the millenia.


"There will be Jedi who disappoint us" - yeah try taking your own advice Anakin, just a thought. Therapy is not the issue here. For tens of thousands of years, the Jedi Order had a system of training up padawans to take the Jedi Knight Trials when they are ready. Here during the war, they are stretched to the limit, and thus promoting Knights too early, like Nadhar earlier and ESPECIALLY Anakin. He is NOT Jedi Knight material, but has been fast-tracked up because of his gifts and his preternatural abilities on the battlefield. We saw in Phantom Menace that Obi-Wan was still a Padawan at 25 years old. He had been given all the time to mature even before his heroics against a Sith Lord in 'slaying' Darth Maul - the first Jedi to do so in 1000 years. These are exceptional times, and yes some of this is the Jedi's own making here, they are doing themselves no favours here; but the fault is not the order itself, just what machinations Darth Sidious is doing to them - they are an army now fighting for the darkside, through fear; and some in the order are questioning what the Jedi are becoming, or have been corrupted by the darkside That prison base looks sooo imperial. And note slights twangs of the Imperial March when Tarkin pays Ahsoka a visit; subtly telling us whats to come. And also the clones chasing down a Jedi is predicting, well we know what... Also there are a lot of film nods in this arc, the Fugitive when she is running in the sewer pipe, and the naming of the episodes are all reminiscent of Hitchcock films. I think this arc snuck up on a lot of people at the time of airing, when it came to Ahsoka herself. She has had a lot of experiences now, good and bad, and we've journeyed with her; and I think this arc turned her from a well-written character, to a memorable and beloved character, for a lot in the fanbase. She does a semi-forcechoke on the Trandoshan slavers in that arc, but its more like she lifts him up, but she definitely makes the movement of a choke, so she could do it if she wanted, she, as a good Jedi should though, restrains her force power.


Here we go again 'kidnap kids'. What utter baloney.