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Star Trek 2x19 Full Reaction

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This episode was very clearly a commentary on the Vietnam War, and unfortunately Kirk ended up being WAY off about how it would end.

Thomas Corp

I’ll be frank and say that this is an episode that I didn’t enjoy all that much. Primary reasons being one that it felt like it was trying to be two episodes in one. Secondly, though I do agree with you that the message of the episode was interesting, the manner in which it was portrayed didn’t quite hit the mark for me. Perhaps if it had it been the sole and primary focus of the episode, I would have enjoyed it more. I also got excited when it seemed like Bones would be the lead character of the episode, and subsequently, was disappointed when that didn’t happen. I was not happy with Nona’s plot of enchanting Kirk. When it clicked what was going on with that plotline, I even said, “Oh God, no.” And Nona’s final scenes and what happened to her made me angry. That’s all I'm going to say about that because I don’t wish to go on a tirade. Moments that did stand out were as I said the message of the episode, even if I felt it could have been done better. The horned yeti looking creature (I forget what its name was off hand) was a sight to behold, and your reaction upon seeing it was great. Spock had my favorite line when responding to Bones, “An illogical question, Doctor, since obviously you are hearing my voice.” On a sadder note, as I had been holding off on rewatching Star Trek whilst you were on your break, this ended up being the first episode that I watched following the death of Nichelle Nichols. As a result, when we first hear Uhura’s voice in the episode, and subsequently see her on the bridge, I couldn’t help myself, I broke down crying. All the tributes to Nichelle that I've seen and heard have been very emotional. My mom particularly appreciated the tributes that make a point to mention that in addition to how trailblazing Nichelle’s work as Uhura was, she also worked with NASA and ultimately inspired a lot of women to get involved in science, get involved in NASA, and in some cases become astronauts. My mom, a retired science teacher who taught just under forty years and is very passionate about science, all the work Nichelle did, it means a great deal to my mom. So, I’ll conclude by saying that in spite of my personal problems with the episode, I am glad that you enjoyed it. And if nothing else, am happy to be continuing to share your journey through Star Trek. It remains a great amount of fun, Jess, and I look forward to the fun yet to come.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, Kirk’s rather optimistic assessment of Vietnam was something that kind of pulled me out of the episode some. To be fair, I thought, “I mean, you can’t really look at it through today’s lens; you have to view it through the lens of when it was written and filmed.” Even then, I hear Kirk’s statements as to how Vietnam ended, and I say, “Interesting perspective.”