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Classic Who "Genesis of the Daleks" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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A great conclusion to a great story. Would definitely recommend going back and watching The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar from the Capaldi era now. It's very much a companion piece to Genesis of the Daleks and actualises the moral dilemma that the Doctor is talking about. Watching that two-parter is much more satisfying having seen Genesis before.

Ian Smith

Is Genesis the greatest Doctor Who story? Imo, no; but it IS a landmark tale, with important things to say. It could have done with being one episode shorter, I feel; but the character of Davros had plenty of screen time, and Michael Wisher gave a stunning performance. It changes the dynamic of the Daleks,in giving them a proper backstory; and it's not without reason that RTD always said that Genesis represented the first shots in the Time War. A train of events has now been set in motion; which cannot be stopped.


To channel Clara, the Doctor was so "young" in this episode. Would the War Doctor hesitate to destroy the Dalek's? The 9th Doctor? We know what 12 would do, since he had the opportunity to kill the young Davros and didn't.

James Fish

Thanks for a great reaction! I love the way you depict Davros as a chess player and the irony of the fact that it's his own pieces that turn against him eventually. That's what I think made this story great. See you next time!


What I find particularly interesting about the moral dilemma in this story is how davros answers. When the doctor asks davros about the virus that kills, and would he release it, davros does not answer the moral aspect of the question. Davros views the question as a question about power, would he like to have the power of a god? This suggests that davros does not consider morality, only power, in this case the power to control life.


The great Tom Baker, the best Doctor of all.

Brodie Vickers

And thus, David Tennant's ambitions to play the Time Lord started here!

Matthew Beckford

This is as good as it gets. But was worth the wait. Thank you!!!