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Arcane 1x03 Full Reaction

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Yeah, this was an episode that after you see it, you have a stiff drink and say, “Phew. Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that REALLY got out of hand fast.” Unlike yourself, I was unaware that this was a big episode, because like I said last week, I barely heard anything about this show. It’s after this episode, I’m saying, “Show, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.” The science subplot is I would imagine, somewhere in the middle as you put it. Don’t think I have a favorite character of this show yet. I do agree with you that it’s great that the characters are a lot of shades of grey, morality-wise, and no one’s thus far has been wholly bad and/or evil, though Silco leans more towards the purely villainous side. I have no idea how the plotline between Powder and Vi progresses, but it looks very ominous for both of them. You really can’t pick a side with the sisters and say one was right and one was wrong. The whole thing, it feels like there was no right way for the situation to have gone, and it’s like a powder keg (no pun intended) waiting to happen. Vi hitting Powder and saying what she said, given the trauma she was doubtlessly feeling in that moment, her actions make sense. Do I condone what she did, no. Do I condemn what she did, again, no, because in that moment she’s likely too traumatized to have been able to think straight. I have a similar thought towards Powder’s actions in that it’s difficult to say what she did was right, yet by the same token, you can’t entirely say what she did was wrong either. Yeah, the scene with Silco finding Powder at the end is very much like a Sith Lord finding the most perfect candidate for his apprentice. This reaction was great. I have no idea how it’s going to progress, but if this reaction is any indication, this is going to be one of those shows that yields most excellent post-episode thoughts and insights from you, and I am here for that!

Stephen Ray

Pleasant surprises like this are why I keep my subscription going when there isn't any Doctor Who. So worth it!


I just checked how many years it’ll take for her to finish Classic Who and it’ll take (if I didn't miscount) 176 weeks which is about 3,4 years... :D