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Classic Who "The Green Death" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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You should check out the Season 10 trailer/short film they made with Jo in the present. It's really good.


In an interview Katy Manning (Jo) specifically stated if Jo ever returned, the first thing she said was "Well she didn't stay with THAT birk!"


Sad that the actor who played Professor Jones died a couple of weeks ago! Rest in peace, Stewart Bevan.

Azmat Mahmood

That shot of the Doctor riding off into the sunset at the end is one of the saddest and most poignant in the show's history. Well, the show must keep on moving! One iconic companion exits and only for another to come along....


I thought this goodbye was very touching and emotional. It felt a little NuWho to me, even. It's a good episode and a good "parting of the ways." And I agree, Jo mellowed the Third Doctor out, and Jo IS a great companion! She and he had good chemistry and worked well together. I'm glad they parted for a "happy" reason and not a tragic one, too!


Now that you've seen Jo's adventures with the doctor, it brings better context to her conversation with #11 when he pops in for a visit to the Sarah Jane adventures (which I know you've seen and reacted to already). No need to react again, but a rewatch of that episode should come with more clarity now.

Ian Smith

This story left a big impression on me as a kid. When I finally met Katy Manning at a convention a few years ago,I mentioned this to her and she said "Oh,darling!!"rushed around the table,and gave me a lovely big hug. It kept me cheered up for the rest of that year :) ...I then found out that she does that to everyone.

Nicole Mazza (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 03:07:44 The ending always makes me cry, especially with the Doctor driving off all alone. I always felt it was coded as a bit romantic of an ending, but I know some people disagree. Either way, the Doctor is obviously heartbroken and it always makes me sad. (But at least he got to see Jo again eventually in the 'Sarah Jane Adventures). <3 P.S. I always find it interesting that Katy Manning and Stewart Bevan (Professor Jones) were engaged IRL back when this came out, but ended up splitting up a year later -- so their characters are married in Doctor Who canon, but they aren't. Still, I know they stayed good friends after this and I believe Katy even posted a little tribute to him when he died last month.
2022-03-05 03:51:31 The ending always makes me cry, especially with the Doctor driving off all alone. I always felt it was coded as a bit romantic of an ending, but I know some people disagree. Either way, the Doctor is obviously heartbroken and it always makes me sad. (But at least he got to see Jo again eventually in the 'Sarah Jane Adventures). <3 P.S. I always find it interesting that Katy Manning and Stewart Bevan (Professor Jones) were engaged IRL back when this came out, but ended up splitting up a year later -- so their characters are married in Doctor Who canon, but they aren't. Still, I know they stayed good friends after this and I believe Katy even posted a little tribute to him when he died last month.

The ending always makes me cry, especially with the Doctor driving off all alone. I always felt it was coded as a bit romantic of an ending, but I know some people disagree. Either way, the Doctor is obviously heartbroken and it always makes me sad. (But at least he got to see Jo again eventually in the 'Sarah Jane Adventures). <3 P.S. I always find it interesting that Katy Manning and Stewart Bevan (Professor Jones) were engaged IRL back when this came out, but ended up splitting up a year later -- so their characters are married in Doctor Who canon, but they aren't. Still, I know they stayed good friends after this and I believe Katy even posted a little tribute to him when he died last month.


Wow! I didn't know that they were engaged in real life!

Josef Schiltz

Well, this ending always had me in tears. But when the Brig submerged under the influence of the Metebelis crystal we were in fits of laughter. my mother was always fond of the Pertwee era and especially Nick Courtney. She was the first to notice his face and just said "Oh no!" and we both burst out laughing. He did it so well! Completely mesmerized. Of course, it is very well paralled by the marriage between John Watson and Mary in Sherlock. Steven Moffat must have remembered that scene with Benedict Cumberbatch walking off into the fallen dusk.