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Doctor Who 13x06 Full Reaction

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To Chibnall’s defense, I believe his intent was to have ten episodes for this season. If I’m understanding it right, there were covid concerns on the BBC’s end and they shortened the episode count. I’m guessing they were dug in on the planned release date so therefore Chibnall had to make do with both the reduced episode count and the deadline. In response to your question of isn’t most of the universe gone, yeah, the show kind of forgot about the fact that a lot of the universe is now gone. I quite liked all the new characters introduced in this season. As I mentioned previous, my favorite was Professor Jericho. His death scene hurt, a lot. There were buckets of tears shed when that happened, and seeing your reaction to it, even more tears were shed. It would have been nice to have more of Swarm and Azure, I agree. When the Doctor splits herself in three, it was too much for me, and I said, “Nope. Sorry. There is not enough Ritalin in the world to be able to handle multiple Thirteens.” Regarding your comment on liking larger TARDIS teams, I honestly have no problem with the larger TARDIS teams, so long as like you said, there’s great writing. I expect that we will see the current Master sometime before the year is out. I would say that I agree that this was probably the most enjoyable season of Thirteen’s run as the Doctor. I definitely agree that the fourth episode of the season was the best of the season. Going by the comments I've been hearing the consensus view of the season is along the lines of what you’ve said: A touch bloated, perhaps too fast paced, probably could have benefited from additional episodes, but still fun and you have a good time. Obviously, this being Doctor Who, like you said there will be opinions to the contrary, but by and large, that is I believe the consensus view of the season. Of course, I’ve been wrong before. These have been fun reactions to this season of Doctor Who. I’m going to miss the fabulous color coordination you had for your reactions for this season with the matching colors of the dress, coffee mug, and thumbnail font. Unless of course, you’re planning to keep that up with future reactions to Doctor Who, in which case, I’ll look forward to seeing it continue.


The New Years special does have a brief line saying the Doctor "saved the whole universe," so it kind of seems like her somehow undoing the Flux is supposed to just be implied.


The question still remains just how the hell she managed to accomplish that, exactly. Still, some acknowledgement’s better than nothing.