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New Sequence in the Drive


The sun was already setting as Lola walked through the empty facility halls “Damn, looks like the signal ends here” She lifted up the small device that was programmed to track the location of her friend.

Being a member of the “Arch” Lola was a specialist in finding lost people that had probably fallen victim to monster-races or any kind of perverted-crimes. “Thats a really strange place – I bet there are multiple levels below this old building...”

The case of her colleague Sydney had spiked Lolas interest of late, since it seemed she was on to a really big fish this time. Syndey believed that the Nariok had established some kind of unethical and secret laboratory not far from a small town at the coast – and the fact that Sydney had disappeared without any trace a few days ago even made these assumptions more plausible.

“Hm, I wonder what these are...” Lola had entered what seemed to be the main part of the old factory. Some strange tanks and devices stood scattered around the room. “Counting a minimum of 2 containers for human-sized, weird experiments – obviously out of order” She whispered into her memory-device.

Still, there was no trace of Sydney or the tracker Lola had smuggled inside one of her bags. Carefully, she sneaked towards the middle of the facility, to take a closer look on one of the strange metal-platforms.

Suddenly, Lola felt something snapping around one of her ankles “FUCK!” - It seemed like her steps had triggered some kind of hidden mechanism. Startled by the hidden trap, Lola let her device fall to the ground. She looked around. She was standing right in the middle of a round metal platform!

“Thats not good.... probably an old mechanism to trap victims” In hectic, she started to search her jacket for her EMP-gun in the hope to destroy the trap with it.

A Spotlight suddenly flashed in her face from above. Again startled, Lola spun around and tried to look up to the small metal gangway... was somebody there?

“Who do we have here?” a female and kinda arrogant voice came from a blurred figure that was standing behind the bright light. “Another intruder that wants to fiddle away my precious time?”

“Who is this!?” Lola shouted “Identify yourself! I have been send by the Arch of Tinora to investigate the missing of multiple individuals and one of our agents - Sydney Miles!!”

It took a moment before the voice from behind the light started to speak again, slightly amused this time: “Oh, how rude of me not to introduce myself to a person that kinda broke into my house! My name is Viccy Shore – former prime-researcher of  the Uronian splicing station – before these pussies kicked me out because of “ethical concerns”.... and you just stepped into one of my most important in-vivo-experiments!”

The sound of heavy hooves walking closer interrupted the voice and Lola looked to the left. An almost 2 meter tall, muscular  creature was approaching her from a dark corner. “Ahh, the timing... and about your missing girls and miss Miles....” they voice made a small break, as the huge body of a male Equinian stepped into the light. “Well, them and miss Miles now like to horse around a bit after I messed with them”

The Equinian snorted and Lola noticed that the stallion was completely naked – except of a strange glowing ring around the half-erectedpenis and a pair of weird glasses. “She has a nice, heavy prick now... and I think she likes your style”

In horror, Lola noticed the giant cock of the horse-creature was growing stiffer as it came closer.

“S-Sydney is that you?!!” But only a lustful snort escaped the nostrils of the Equinian, as it continued to stroke its obscenely thick horsecock.

“Of course its her haha – Even tho I do not like these stupid horses – They are the best way to produce a lot of potent seed – seed I need to create the first lab-made Lifflux elemental!”

With her leg still trapped on the metal-platform, Lola could do nothing but watch, as the massive male Equinian came closer. With every step closer, the stallion seemed to become more horny, as his dick was already leaking long strands of pre. “Sydney... please.... try to fight this!”

Lola tried to look into the eyes of the former female that was not stroking her massive equine cock frantically. It seemed that the weird glasses were causing some kind of trance that even increased her will to mate.

“Oh, she cant hear you – to make sure all these stupid males are constantly contributing fresh seed to my experiment, these glasses show them pictures of horny females and cunts all the time... So don't take personal what might happen next haha”

Lola's eyes widened, as she saw the hard horsecock right in front of her, throbbing with need. Before she could even react, a massive load of thick viscous and hot liquids sprayed all over her top and into her face.

“We also enhanced the seed to be more aggressive.... cloth is nothing a Lifflux would need anyways.” the voice from behind the lights was laughing like mad.

In horror, Lola tried to remove the hot, sticky stuff that had sprayed right into her face, as she noticed that huge holes had formed on her top, which rapidly grew bigger as the fabric dissolved.

At the same time, it seemed that the male Equinian had also activated a weird mechanism as Lola saw a dirty, greenish glass slowly emerging from the ground around her.

“Glorious” the voice triumphed as the wall of dirty, green glass rushed upwards around Lola.

Trapped in a tube with no escape, the young girl knocked against the thick glass in the hope the horny Equinian outside would notice her.

“And so begins the second phase of our experiment” Lola heard another pair of heavy hooves approaching her from behind “Seed collecting until we reach a critical mass!”

With her leg finally free again, Lola hammered against the thick glass. “Let me go you monster!!” She looked around her and noticed weird openings all around the tube. Loose, rubber-like sheaths dangled from them - almost like they were weird, long rubber-gloves that hung from soft, stretchable pads.

“Oh gawd, NO!” Lola screamed as she realized that the other side of these openings looked like artificial pussies to the males outside, who already shoved their throbbing dicks inside Lolas prison. She tried to grab or hit one of the disgusting, sweaty organs that pushed through the hole to make it's owner pull it back out again – but it seemed the males were simply too horny!

Another gush of hot sticky liquid hit Lola from behind, as more and more of her clothes dissolved until she was kneeling in the tube almost naked. Her bare tits glistened with thick seed dripping from them, which slowly formed a disgusting pool on the ground.

Lola had stopped counting on how many times she was hit by hot, sticky loads. It was ridiculous how many times these Horses were able to climax. It also seemed that there was even more seed flowing down from the walls around her slowly filling up the tube with a thick, slippery mess.

Lolas body was feeling numb and greasy, every inch of her naked body was dripping with thick, milky liquids that had come from either the horses balls, or an unknown origin. Disgusted, Lola had stopped fighting as she felt weak and tired inside the tube.

With a blurred view, she watched her hands, which were dripping with thick, milky fluids... it seemed like... her skintone had become lighter than usual somehow....

Lola tried to speak, but only a wet, smack escaped her throat. In panic, her other hand tried to reach for her hair, but only touched a slimy mass that was giving in to her fingers.

She looked down on herself and was unable to make out a difference between the color of her flesh and the giant, disgusting pool of seed she was kneeling in. The spotlight up front was blinding her, and it seemed that her arms were unable block any light from it.

She choked as it dawned on her – It seemed like her body had started to fuse with the seedaround her! In panic, she tried to stand up, as she fell back into the thick layer of seed around her. She tried to form words, but only one word made it through her throat until it echoed through the dirty tank in a long and moaning scream: “CUUUUUM!”

A weird pressure was building up in what used to be her crotch while the males outside still continued to shoot their load inside the tube. Lola felt that every new gush was making her stronger – more potent... more powerful!

Her breasts grew bigger as she felt a one boost after the other rushing through her with every time one of the males finished inside the tank. It slowly grew into an addiction, too: Lola suddenly wanted more, and realized this with growing aversion at first.

It didn't took long until she realized that she became turned on by the fact these males were offering their seed to her... feeding her power. A wet moan of surprise escaped Lolas throat as she realized that her own body was adapting to the large mass of male DNA mixing with her own: She felt her pussy stretching and slowly giving birth to a constantly twitching penis-glans as her labia slowly started to re-shape into a slimy copy of a ballbag.

Turned on by the sight of her own, personal dick, Lola moaned and kneaded her breasts. Something about penises felt familiar to her somehow now... Penises were the origin of her... the origin of more, hot and seed.... the origin of more power! Carried away with lust, her mind started to form pictures of more dicks all around her, as she suddenly realized that two more had slipped out of what used to be her nipples!

Surprised and a bit shocked Lola looked at what had just happened, and within seconds, the cocks that had dangled from her tits had receded back into her body again.

Horny and with growing confidence, Lola played around with the pool of seed around her, slowly realizing she was able to manipulate the form of all the stuff around her like she wanted.

“Great success!” The voice cheered from the other side of the room. Lola had lost all sense of time to this point, but she was sure the sun was already starting to rise again outside. “Subject #002 is able to manipulate the material she consists of to the fullest - Transformative abilities and Slurper-infection will be tested in the next step”

Someone touched the green glass tube from the outside curiously inspecting Lolas new, slimy body.

A row of sharp teeth flashed from the shark-girls mouth - “We have a lot of fun-work to do for you!”




This is absolutely Great 👏👏👏👏 I LOVE IT ❤️❤️❤️❤️ awesome work as always Lu 👍👍👍👍


Such a great comic. Thank you so much Lu ❤️❤️


Who is Subject #001?