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Emeran gigaworms are giant worms the Emeran queen gives birth to from her abdomen. The large worms usually arent very aggressive and use to stay in larges clutches deeper in the colony.

They are blind and deaf, and are often used to dig the large tunnels  the colony is made of.

Gigaworms can be dangerous tho, if a victim is actively shoven inside one of their blind maws - wich happens as a punishment from time to time - but is very rare since the Ermeras usually are a very calm race and rather release travellers as long as they do not cause too much trouble.If a victim becomes trapped inside a Gigaworm tho, its almost impossible to escape its maw without further help. Slowly, the worm starts to suck the body inside more and more, causing horrible mutations to the victim inside.

As long as the victim hasn`t been fully absorbed by the worm, its still possible to get them out by cutting it open. The mutations caused by the worm can easily be reverted by spraying regular vinegar onto the victims body, which neutralizes the all changes.

A few examples of steps :

In a later state, the victim inside starts to fuse and become one with the Gigaworm- in thiese case Skirran Powder is needed to withdraw the transformation




This Good 👏👏👏 sooooo Good 🖤🖤🖤👍👍👍

Austin Judes

I'd like to learn more about this Skirran Powder. That is some wondrous stuff if it can revert this.


Oh whao I love the 90% and 100%, that is so fun :D


Where are these worms? Asking for a friend... Ahem.


Wait. Do the full worms also make sludge or just the converted people not fully absorbed?


Oh, the big worms excrete sludge from their skin like you see in the stuff on the ground around them :0 - should add this to the refsheet :3


Please tell me you'll make a comic about this one day, it's fantastic!


Why is the face in 100% transformation still intact in the beginning whereas it is no longer human in 95%?


Creatures from King Kong?