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Lets see what comes next! :3

By the way, Tell me your suggestions in  the comments below - may it be ideas for new species or a sequence you wanna see :)




Pls pls let the Mulloc win. It's only ever been used once and i'd love to see more!


Also, since my first idea is already on the polls... Perhaps a comic of a bane dragon testing out runes on some poor sap. Making then into sone kind of crazy amalgamation


I'd love to see more Narioks doing mean and rude experiments on people (I know we got Shark Club recently), and maybe with a crossover with the Lorthass, like the Nariok were doing experiments on one of the baby King crabs and some poor unsuspecting employee. TBH I'm mostly here for the weird bug people so anything along those lines makes me happy.


Great Idea! Well, I also got another moistfever sequence in the back, maybe something for the poll in december ^u^


Nice Idea, I definitely wanna do some more (short) comics next year :3 - maybe 5-8 Pages showing more detailed-TF ^u^


I'd love to see if there are any new Fexa-pod variations based on different plants, like say Tropical Fexa, Alpine Fexa, Marshland Fexa...


I'd love to see some more of the Banedragons' powers and experiments; using runes to change people in twisted ways, place vaginas and such in fun new spots, etc. But really anything creative you make turns out fun :)