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My visit at my Grandpa’s was longer than I had thought. I had to fill him in last minute on moving and catch up from the past 4 months that I hadn’t talked to him. Seeing him made me sad because of the realization of how bad I am with keeping in touch with family members and people I hold close to me. To actually see the fact that he’s aged, how he is during his battle with diabetes and see that eat away at his eye sight and his feet really left me in a weird mood all day. It was wholesome because he just emphasized how much he valued me coming by and just saying hello to him, and how many times he thanked me for simply sitting on his couch and helping him with his TV. I was also able to hear him say that he was proud of me for doing what I’m doing and managing myself okay and staying out of trouble, when he’s never said anything like that before. Unexpected but it actually felt nice to see some character development from him since it didn’t feel like he was the most supportive when it came to making videos and me trying to move in the past.

I had also got reminded that my little sister was going to prom on Friday and graduating next month like??? As stupid as it may sound, it just hit me- everything is moving so fast that it’s hard to keep up with. Though I have stuff going on that’s overwhelming me or occupying my time doesn’t mean everything else stops for other people, haha. Common sense but thinking wow, my little sister is growing up and my Grandparents are getting older just made me sad. It’s been very different since we lost my Mom and being involved as a family as close as we once were just hasn’t been a thing, despite us mentioning get togethers with each other. It seems like there’s a missing piece and nothing has been really clicking the way that it used to, and it kind of hurts to see. I hope in the future we find consistency and regain someway to come together and fill complete again, despite lost time and lost family.

I just wanted to share because it’s been on my mind all day since I left and it’s had me feeling weird. So I hope you guys are doing better at keeping in touch with loved ones, like your parents or grandparents and if not, give them a call and check in on them.

My apologies on falling through on a post today but that was kind of hard to push through, I did post a YT video though. I’ll be waking up early to go to the gym and get my first vaccination shot, so I’ll be doing my best to post something for you guys tomorrow. I love you guys and appreciate all of you! Thanks for helping me feel comfortable sharing things like this so I can get more familiar with talking about my feelings.



All love Anthony sometime you need that kind of healing time to feel a little bit better in life. I’m glad you can share these kinds of things ❤️❤️




it’s insane how time keeps going and it’s almost as if you don’t even notice it. i saw my dad for the first time in february since 2019 and in that short amount of time he’d aged so much. time doesn’t slow down and yet it feels like we never have any time at all. idk i’m not making any sense. i’m glad you got to spend time with your grandpa. and i’m happy you feel you can share your thoughts with us :)


It makes me really happy to hear how supportive your grandfather is of you and your decisions! It must have been really nerve wracking to decide to tell him everything like how it was with your grandma. Glad to know things went well and it’s also so awesome that you’re making him proud. Hope your sister has a blast at prom and has a great graduation! Take all the time you need with your family. We’ll still be here. 💙


you’re a good man anthony


This message brought a year to my eye. I haven’t seen my grandmother in 4 years. Of course we call, but it’s not the same when you meet face to face. I moved countries and I didn’t have a chance to visit her, first because of school and second, because of the virus. After reading your thoughts, got me thinking of her and how much has she aged since then. I really hope I can visit her this summer, at least for two weeks. And because I’m an adult now I can visit her without my parents permission and I can travel the countries without any problem. We must remember that even if we don’t see them that often, we must spent the time we have with them at the fullest and enjoy every moment.


How wonderful you got to catch up with your family. ^^ It can really hit you sometimes, when you just take a step back to observe things, how fast time goes by. My little sister is graduating this year too and it blows my freaking mind.... like, when did my baby sister grow up so much?! 🥲 I hope you’re having a wonderful week and as always, Don’t feel rushed. Take your time. Waiting is easy. We won’t disappear. ^^


he definitely wasn’t always this way, he was worse than my grandma when it came to those things so it’s nice to see that they’re coming around now, it was unexpected. i appreciate it katie!


This message couldn't have come to me at a better time. I've been having one of the worst weeks of my life with my mother being hospitalized with covid. We've always been tight knit but a little separated from the rest of the extended family so I've never really felt super close to uncle's / aunts / cousins etc growing up. Although it's sometimes takes something bad happening I've spoken to more family members this week than I have in years and I think we all have a big commitment to start keeping in touch even in small ways and just creating those bonds while everyone's an adult now. Thanks for sharing your story I'm so glad that you are able to connect with him and your sister more now. You'd be surprised how people can just become close at any point in life.

Melo Melody

This is great man, I'm trying to catch up with my late dad's family too, but it is just too awkward because I live in another continent. Good to know that your grandpa now supports you, because you have been doing good in comparison with the time you started making videos on YouTube, he sure is proud of you and it is for a good reason. And I got your flour and eggs reference 🤣🤣


No worries, Anthony! We appreciate you. ♡ Thank you for being so open with us. And trusting us enough to tell us about what is on your mind. I know that isn't easy. It's a tough road, being able to talk about what's going on in your life. Believe me, I've been down in many times. But, at least, you can say you are surrounded by people who love you and appreciate you. Even us as subscribers and followers, we are always here to lend an ear or a shoulder to lean on. :) And I agree! We need to appreciate our loved ones for as long as we can. Because we never know when they will be gone... Like my Father, my Brother in law, 2 other male figures who were like fathers to me, and many other people I lost. It's a scary thing to go through in life. But at the end of the day, they are proud of us. And are in a much better place. Wherever that may be! 💜💜💜