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Kingdom: Legendary War - Episode 4.mp4

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Thanks for working so hard! Please tell me you're uploading this now after going to sleep.


my computer went in and exported it fast this time, so i just uploaded it but i’m laying down now 😭 long day it was.


lots of thoughts to have at 5 in the morning. i had only watched sf9’s part and i waited to watch the rest on here. i liked the acting tips sf9 was given. i’m an acting major and the stuff the actor was talking about is some of the first stuff you learn and it was nice to see. i loved the stage fighting sf9 did and zuho coming at the camera with a knife is something i’ll remember always. i wish there was better lighting for the dance break tho. also a bit confused on the ending because they never got the briefcase back, but it was so important in the beginning. i liked the boyz performance but i had no idea what was happening. like i couldn’t follow the storyline and in sunwoo’s rap he says something about having to kill her?? i was confused for like 4 minutes but they sounded good and their dancing is always nice. even though ikon had my favorite arrangement, i wanted more from their performance. an issue with this show is that groups are becoming too reliant on props. while other groups have been able to show really dynamic performances with set pieces and props incorporated, i feel like ikon didn’t do it for me. i think i’m just expecting so much from them every episode but their performances haven’t met my expectations yet :(( i think my ranking so far would be sf9 ikon the boyz i’m gonna go to sleep now


I'm so satisfied with sf9 going first this round after going last the previous round. I feel like it's a really quick way for them to show their "redemption"since they didn't feel fully satisfied with their last performance and they killed it for me. For the knife vs gun thing don't quote me but I think it's because guns are almost impossible for a regular citizen to get a hold of in Korea so realistically a gun being used as a weapon isn't a thing but if a knife is being used as a weapon they need to censor it based on their laws.


For me the ranking goes - iKON, SF9, TBZ for these three. iKON seemed to understand the assignment to me. Take a song and make it your own. I think for me personally I also enjoy their concepts and style a little more than others. I don't need flashy performances or props to enjoy a stage. I think MNET and their previous shows the one with the biggest and baddest props or huge sets have done better but if that is the case then is it really the artist or the stage designer that deserve the praise? I like the more simple easier to follow along and enjoy. At the end of iKON's performance I was bopping along with them and hype. That's why it was #1 for me. SF9 provided a whole mini movie in their performance. These are grown ass men out here acting like grown ass men. I for one love to see it. They are # 2 simple because I don't think they changed the song up enough. TBZ is 3rd for me. Not because they were bad by any means at all... It's just like you I didn't understand the storyline. It didn't fit Red Wedding from Game of Thrones because that was just a bloody massacre and there was nothing like that in this. Vocally and dance wise they were solid...but they lost me with the story that I didn't follow.

Sham Sham

Sf9 did their thang👏🏾 I love how they included the past performance the boys did of checkmate from rtk, and how the incorporated the 1st person p.o.v. I loved the whole action movies concept. And it still kills me how they blurred the knife but not the gun😂 I do find my self loosing focus in the boys performances, for me personally they keep giving performances with very similar vibes that we got from kingdom just different concepts. We have already seen these intense performances with crazy stunts and them having the slowed down elegant contemporary type dancing throughout the middle/end of the performance. they would really have to do something completely different for me. But if we talking about the group who truly did what the whole theme of this episode was “reborn” ikon took 1st place for that just alone. they truly made ateez song into their own, there was no feel of ateez what so ever. you would think that inception is their own song, they understood the assignment and delivered. The set was nice and the slow motion part was everything. You had the classic king Bobby ad-libs and him screaming in the back and just being his care free self all ways makes me smile watching him perform. I remember reading a comment saying they felt Bobby was disappointing because he couldn’t even rap his whole verse but it’s like that’s Bobby... that’s what makes him him, his rare carefree soul. He raps parts of his verse and just has fun for the rest. And if u don’t know ikon or just Bobby in general I understand y some may think that. it wasn’t disappointing for me at all. But all I could think about was how happy Mingi had to have been for ikon to cover their song, we atiny know how much he loves bobby 🥲😀 but yeah my rank was 1: sf9, 2: ikon, 3: the boys

Melo Melody

Dorara Paengi supremacy. Over the top performances are not my style but seeing how everyone is working so hard, make me respect and appreciate their stages more, well done everyone, I want to see what they have to offer next.


1. iKON, 2. SF9, 3. TBZ for me. I listened to the released Kingdom version covers (or re-creations) on Spotify and tbh I thought TBZ had a good performance but the song was basically SF9's still. It just seemed like another "O Sole Mio" performance but it didn't scream TBZ to me? Like I had a difficult time understanding what's unique to TBZ here - wonderful performance piece but keeping in mind of the Re-Born mission, I think their performance in that regard was only okay. SF9's acting really set them apart from TBZ and was very intriguing to watch. I rewatch SF9 for their acting and I rewatch iKON's performance because Dorara Paengi is so addicting.


My rank so far is The Boyz, SF9, and Ikon. The Boyz stage was really good, they can pull off any genre, the dance was so good, Juyeon doing the tango and then New with his high note it was so clear and not straining I loved it. I love that the red wedding stage performance is connected to the game of thrones storyline. Sf9's stage was really good I loved their version of the song. Sf9 also referenced TVXQ Yunho's mv thank you in the choreography that was so good. Ikon stage was good but their version of the song wasn't really selling it for me it felt like it was missing something but had the signature yg sound. Overall they all did good.


maybe it's just cause i'm big dumb but splitting up the performances for each round into two episodes is getting confusing to me i can no longer remember which performances were for which round


I agree! All they had to do was cut like 20 minutes of filler out of other parts of this episode and at least they would have been able to show both pairs of the song swap go in the same episode.


For the whole “Reborn” concept, I think Ikon definitely knocked it out of the park, so they’re number 1 for me for this episode. It’s hard for me to pick between TBZ and SF9 though. I loved both of their performances, but there was just a whole lot going on, and like you said for TBZ’s stage it was hard to understand what was going on. So maybe SF9 would be 2, then TBZ 3 for me.


Bobby is different from other idol rappers, even Mino, actually all YG including The Black Label rappers are not your typical idol rappers. Bobby is the first (only) idol rapper and youngest to ever win SMTM with if, I’m not mistaken, Illionaire as his ‘coach’. The stage is his playground and he enjoys it to the fullest. DK keeps surprising me: from being known as dancer/choreographer with soulful voice of the group to composer and now director of their performances is mindboggling. As for Chanwoo, he is funny and very smart. You should check out his YouTube channel. You will learn more about him, the other members and iKON as a whole.


Damn these performances all are just so crazy, like how they managed to up the game each time blows my mind. My ranking for this up would be 1. IKON 2. SF9 3. TBZ I feel bad for iKON cuz i feel like people don’t really get their vibe. They’re frankly not the type to do huge story line or concepts and honestly i like that. They focus more on the energy and vibe they wanna give to the performance rather than always sticking to a concept. I love what Jinhwan said “If we are too conceptual we’ll lose our color”. It’s so tru. Like I’d rather they stay tru to themselves and show off their own unique sound rather than try to change their whole image to fit the kind of stage Mnet wants them to do. It’s kind of their charm for me, just seeing them have fun on stage and do what they always do haha

Deedee Schway

I totally agree! iKON wants to vibe and wants everyone to vibe with them. Bobby is a total moodmaker and his charm/charisma is that he’s having fun and he makes you want to have fun with him. I think sticking to a mostly hip hop concept works for them because they’re so comfortable with it. It’s one of their strengths, especially vs the other groups who could do hip hop but i don’t think it would be as natural for them as iKON. This show would be so different with a live audience, iKON was molded for concert stages, they would be in the crowd.

Deedee Schway

I feel a little guilty but to be honest, without BI’s huge presence in iKON, we are really seeing how much DK, Song, and Chan have grown since WIN and Mix & Match. I used to be really worried about how they would move forward without him but seeing how much DK has stepped up in writing/choreo/direction, how involved Song is, how solid Chan is, I think this is just going to be the next chapter in iKON’s book. Jay used to be really uncomfortable in public speaking but he’s really taking the lead for the group. Bobby is still being Bobby the moodmaker which I think is the best thing for them. June still doesn’t seem like he’s paying much attention most of the time but he does seem to make a good point more often. Lol

Deedee Schway

I’m of course going to rank iKON first because like everyone says “they understood the assignment” and I want to download the song the more I listened to it. I don’t want them to do a stage that isn’t them. I honestly think Bobby would be out of there, if he’s not happy we will know. SF9 also did a fantastic job, they didn’t have to change their song too much to fit themselves and their concept. Like you saw it, they basically stole the song and stole points by just nailing it. I liked it so much better because it suited them so well. Since their intro stage, I thought if they go for a more mature, adult, sophisticated man concept that it would work for them. It would be different from the other groups. iKON and BTOB could do the sophisticated suit concept but I think they would rely more on their own tried and true concepts. TBZ I didn’t understand. Their concept, song, choreo didn’t really stick in my mind because there was too much. To me it’s like a joke, if you have explain it to me then the impact was lost from the get go. They should lose the GoT theme and just focus on each song. The concept should work/support the song itself not an almost unrelated theme. Sorry but I remember almost nothing of each of their stages except props and stunts. I have started listening to Ateez and more BTOB because of this show. I will also likely check out SF9’s music and dramas.


I’ll add my notes on the performances when you watch the next episode. (TBZ was definitely my favourite here) but you freaking out over Kevin’s hat was literally me when I watched this the first time too lol. I was searching for it everywhere and in the end decided if I couldn’t find it I was going to make one myself hehe 😅


Fair point. I definitely thought Ateez and iKON took the “reborn” concept the furthest as far as rearrangement goes. I personally though TBZ’s stage actually felt really cohesive and the song arrangement sounded really good as well. I definitely liked it a lot more than their previous Kingdom stage that’s for sure. If you need SF9 song recommendations I can give you some. What song genre/style are you typically into? Then I can narrow it down a bit. Hwiyoung and Zuho’s SoundCloud’s are actually pretty nice as well if you’re interested. Drama wise. Chani was in Sky Castle. Which is legit one of the kdramas with the highest viewer rating in the history of kdramas lol. It’s very good. Rowoon’s drama’s are fun as well. Alot more romantic but if you want to feel all fluffy inside I’d definitely recommend them. ^^


Sf9 was so good, istg if they don’t place high this time I will find the judges and have words


yeah i unsubscribed to Mnet so that i dont get spoilers lol