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The main entrance into the Graxworm megadungeon is not at the base of the mountain, but the top. The Graxworm is a massive dead dragon of mythic scale, fully miles long and large enough to contain a town in the mouth. Creatures have set up here to “mine” the massive corpse for its valuable materials – leather, scales, ichor, tendons, and more. Practically every bit has some value to someone, and in the long term the expectation is that nothing will remain, not even the massive bones.

The teeth of the worm are enormous, out of scale with the already massive creature. They serve as a city wall around Graxworm Town with a pair of massive 30-foot-wide gates through which caravans enter and depart the town bearing loads of dragon material for other lands. These gates sit in 30 foot thick walls with murder holes over the gateways and battlements for defenders to operate from. The rest of the curtain walls between the teeth are less imposing than the gates, averaging about 15 feet wide and just relying on the jaw and gums to act as a wall once we get past the front teeth.

The map shows the main gates and some of the front-most structures of Graxworm Town in detail, with the upper level of the wall on the far right.

Just within the walls we have a number of establishments that cater to the traffic in and out of town. Inns, taverns, equippers, and general stores abound here along with smaller shops selling trinkets and foodstuffs. The town beyond is very much a “gold rush” town – with an emphasis on entertainment, cheap lodgings, and expensive pass-times. A perfect place for an adventuring group to blend in if they can bluff their way through the main gates.

The Graxworm Megadungeon was proposed to me by Gallant Knight Games – a dungeon set within the corpse of a dragon some seven miles in length. If I were to map out the whole thing we’d be looking at a good 100+ maps, so instead we’ll be focusing on points of interest as a sort of “point crawl” megadungeon setting. We’ll be posting a few maps in the set every month for… well… quite some time!

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 10,200 x 13,200 pixels in size (34 x 44 squares). To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10′ squares that work with this design) – so resizing it to either 2,380 x 3,080 or 4,760 x 6,160 pixels, respectively.




Doan Roessler

This is exciting! Can't wait to see more


I would be fine with 100+ maps of the same dungeon... This is going to be very cool!!!