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Every month that we maintain funding over the $400 mark I sift through my back catalog and bring up a selection of maps that we then vote on as to which will be released under the free commercial-use license. This month we are releasing two such maps, the first of which is Ravenson's Landing. As such, this is (as always with the Release the Kraken posts) a free post:

The small community of Ravenson’s Landing lies in a shallow bay by a small river, a useful source of freshwater for traffic near the Hill Islands who wish to remain away from the major ports in that area – pirates, privateers and smugglers for the most part.

The inlet and community is on the edge of a forest and is easily spotted by those searching for it by the silhouette of Ravenson’s Tower which overlooks the few nearby houses.

Slightly to the west of the settlement is Partridge Cave partially hidden in the woods. Partridge Cave is home to the secrets of Ravenson’s Landing… whatever they may be…

Behind the scenes, the Hill Island fleet command is well paid to not notice the tower at Ravenson’s Landing by the merchant prince / assassin who built the structure. Said merchant prince maintains a mix of legit and smuggling traffic lanes throughout the area, originally as a side-line to assist in the spread of his assassin network, but now as a financial safety net.

You can download the high resolution version of the map from the blog post at http://wp.me/psUVp-2sK


(No title)



Ravenson's Landing is a long-time favorite of mine. I have used it in my home-grown campaign set in DCC's Aereth world. And I have consistently voted for it to be released as the Kraken. I'm very happy it finally came to it! :)