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Another month over the $500 funding mark means that we took the top two entries from this month's voting for re-release under the commercial license. I re-released Ravenson's Landing yesterday, and today it is joined by a slightly cleaned up Breached Fortress of Anoros. As with all the Release the Kraken posts, this is not a "paid post".

The Fortress of Anoros has long been buried beneath the Three Peaks. Originally cut into the peaks by a warrior of the plane of Earth trapped here and driven insane by the vagaries of the prime, the fortress was then sealed off and lost during the great war.

Recent rumours indicate that a team of dwarves along with a score of goblin slaves have managed to break back into the fortress by mining from an old cave in the north face of the Brother, middle of the Three Peaks.

When the party arrives, however, the dwarven dig is abandoned, and has been for several weeks. Perhaps there really are interesting (and dangerous) things deep within the Three Peaks that they have uncovered?

You can download the new version of the Breached Fortress of Anoros for free personal or commercial use from the blog post at http://wp.me/psUVp-2sN


(No title)



This is really pleasing to the eye


Thanks! Interestingly (well, to me anyways), this map is unlike most of my work in that I drew a third of it and then forgot about it for six to eight months before digging it up and finishing it. The entire structure and design changed in that time - areas where I was going to continue the structure became collapsed messes and cave-ins.